Hi, my name is lesleyannmulvaney75! Child disability Scotland wont tell me decision over the phone.
Hi I was sent a form from child disability Scotland for the mobility part in October last year. I filled and returned this and still have not had a decision I called them only to be told they can not discuss this I need to wait on a letrer
Contribution ESA and UC
Hi, This is only my second post on here so go easy on me 😂 Ive been in the support group for contribution ESA since 2021. I gather reviews usually happen around the 3 year mark which I have now surpassed so im kinda waiting for the forms to drop. We went to claim for UC (I live with my partner who works full time) back in…
Rachel Reeves was on LBC a month ago and a caller rang in and asked if she plans to scrap PIP, you can watch here at her reply. It’s at about 42:50
Question about sons uc, I'm his appointee
This discussion was created from comments split from: Just curious -appointee question.
Inheritance and UC
Hi, I lost my partner last year. He was married to someone else before and the letters about his private pension have been delivered to his ex wife’s address as he didn’t report them his new address. His ex wife recently passed away and I was given some of the letters about the pension which she kept by her family a few…
PIP - Upper tribunal appeal advice
I failed my PIP tribunal appeal back in February and the decision didn't seem fair. I have decided to appeal and requested the statement of reasons which I have received almost a month ago so now I have only a couple of days left to send the appeal since the whole experience was so traumatising I couldn't make myself to…
hi.i do receive the lower rate of pip at the minute.2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with severe emphysema.last we I was told I have lung & liver cancer.i have a biopsy on the 25 th of June to find out what type.stage.treatment will be.i was just wondering as probably going to be needing a lot of taxis as I don’t drive.I’m…
Lcwra back pay
hi, I’m new here I got awarded lcwra 14th may 2024 First fit note 16th November 2023 ( no gaps) my AP is 22-21st My case manager said I’ll start getting payed in september I said that was wrong as in gov.uk says different, she told me to ignore it as it is misleading I have requested a MR. is she correct? Tia
Hi, my name is itsalupuslife! How does the benefits system work, where do I start please?
Hi All, It’s refreshing to see the supportive community on this site. I’m in a really bad , low and although surrounded by family, very lonely place. I suffer from Lupus SLE. For years now I’ve gone Job to job trying desperately to hold down a job but I feel like I’m giving up now. I just am suffering so much with the…
Child Benefit vs Carers Allowance
The Tory government are planning on increasing (doubling) the point where Child benefit starts being reduced to a ridiculous £120k income – shame they don’t think that Carers are worth as much as a child to the UK economy.
Hi, need info on UC and disabled son claim
Hi just get information I receive uc and pip but I also get top up disk it on uc claim I am my son carer he in education still turn 19 he alway been on Dla /pip when turn 16 we made our claim back 2022 for uc due to changes late ness in deal with new claims but I told them he on pip now and I was back claim carers for him…
Hi I’m new here can you please help me with my adult social care
Please can you help or advise. I have carers that help me each day which I have a care package for under adult social care. I have had this for roughly ten years and have never had to contribute financially, I have had my yearly financial assessment done and have received a letter stating I need to pay £400 a month towards…
Hi, my name is lovelifeforever! Budgeting loan, cant get through on the phone.
Hello, I was told to join this group for help with benefits questions? I have applied for a budgeting loan and its been more than 21 days since the txt I received, every time I phone the number provided, it cuts off after one minute or doesn't connect at all?
Hi, my name is couplada! Would getting iidb affect my compensation claim?
Looking for info about iidbÂ
Having PIP while caring for my partner
Good Evening, I have searched extensively online and I cannot find a definitive answer for my queries, I have seen that this forum is very informative and wanted to try to see if anyone could help me understand how it works. I apologise in advance for the long post. My situation is a bit complicated but here it is: I…
Council Tax Discounts
How are council tax reductions worked out, when your married and your wife isnt working yet?
Carers allowance
hi if I go back to work for 16 hours a week can my carer still claim carers allowance for me?
DWP under investigation by ECHR
Articles about vouchers and so on in provincial papers keep cropping up in my news feed. Some of them give the impression this has been enacted, which is of course rubbish. Meanwhile, the DWP is under investigation by the European Court of Human Rights. And specifically It's taken long enough, but now it's here and I do…
A little help needed regarding understanding LCWRA
Hi. A brief overviewof my circumstances: I first reported a health change in my UC journal in February 2021. By April 2021, I was assessed as LCW. I started a part time job in May 2022. 10th June 2024 I had a WCA via phone. A few days later I was notified as being found to have LCWRA as the outcome of my assessment.…
hi I was wondering if anyone could help me I started putting sick notes in from 20 December/ Jan then Jan/feb then I had one from feb till April and from April I’m covered until 2/7/24 I was awarded LCWRA on 29th April but won’t receive any payments until august I asked why and they said a gap in my sick notes, which I…