LHA rate for shared housing, under 35 on PIP
Hello, I just wanted to double check, I am looking to rent a room and am I right in thinking that as I'm on PIP I can get the one bedroom rate instead of the shared rate, even though I'm under 35 and will be house sharing? Thanks :)
Can someone please help me out with this ?
I'm a woman of 43 who is severely unwell with multiple auto immune diseases and therefore have lived back with my parents(both pensioners) for a long time. My brother has been living overseas for years and returned last year, we thought he was using our address as a 'paper address ' because he is basically living in 'works…
LCWRA & Self-Employed
Hi, I’m on LCWRA & I’ve told the Job Centre that I’ve become self-employed. They’ve asked me to attend an appointment called “gateway intervention” where they test is if I’m gainfully self-employed or not. I already know I’m not gainfully self-employed because I have LCWRA. And I also know that I’m not expected to attend…
Hi, my name is Taza! I'm entitled to backpay
Hi I'm entitled to back pay as they haven't been paying my severe disability premium for nearly 4 years i was so relieved to get my benefits sorted after being homeless that I didn't want to rock the boat and I thought they would if realised and sorted it but they haven't i really need help applying for the back pay thx…
Hi, my name is Linda68a! Can we claim anything else?
Hi, I have been unable to work for the last 6 years following operation and chemo and since then my mobility has got worse as since having to rest for 6 weeks following surgery I've not got back to my fitness levels prior to operation. At the time of surgery it was noted I have curvature of the spine and spinal degrading…
Any help with benefits?
Goodmorning, I don’t know how this works as I’ve just came across this site. Any help would be greatly appreciated! My situation was : working 11 hours a week, carer for partner who gets PiP, claimed housing benefit, child tax, council tax and child benefit. I have been signed off sick since early may , not entitled to ssp…
Extended ESA contribution based
So my contribution based ESA has been extended. But in two years time it will reach 7 years. Does that mean that at the next review when they call me in person for WCA I will be found fit for work? Or the ESA will continue to be paid?. I am asking since I'm thinking to go to university or move the area or move to Universal…
hi karenk64 recently filled form for lcwra for first time been on uc 3 years but on DWP enhanced on both and somebody says i should be automatically on lcwra anyone help tia
Hello please help.
Hello, I did not know what category to put this post in so apologies. I've asked questions about this before, but I need to express again how I'm feeling if that's okay. I have autism and borderline personality disorder, PTSD, anxiety and depression which greatly affect my everyday life. I'm currently claiming ESA and PIP…
Lcwra tribunal
Hi I took the dwp to court as they placed me in the lcw group and felt for my medical needs I needed lcwra. I won my case. My first fit note was July 2021. I was just wondering when the back payment will go in and will I have to wait the three months for my first payment of lcwra even though I was already in the lcw group.…
Hi i had my LWCRA assesement on 22 /06/23 i was just wondering how long it takes for a decision
Do I need to let UC know I've been awarded PIP?
Hello today I was awarded pip via txt message I Applied for it in April 10th I think.do i tell universal credit that I have been awarded it because I am allready on LCWWRA much appreciated if someone could let me know.ive been on LCWWRA for three years and only found out in April I could apply for pip aswell.i never had to…
Hi all yesterday the automated dwp ladies said I be getting £380 on 2nd august does they mean finally a payment I am still awaiting the payment letter I understand they busy but dwp omg 😂
can anyone explain ESA to me
Hi, I would like to understand ESA and if I would be entitled to it. I do not work and reeive full PIP. I also receive LCWR but this is swallowed up due to my wife receiving state pension and i am younger than her. I receive £390.06 LCWR but after deducations due to my wife receiving state pension, i only receive £271. So,…
Stressed overpayment mistake
I checked my journal this morning in light of the uc reviews and had a letter posted that they over paid my rent in April and now they are going to take payment to recover however, I have lived in the same property since November 2021 and claiming housing benefit from december 2021 in march my landlords details changed and…
Limited capability to work
Hello i would like some advice i was awarded this 2 years ago since then i have developed a medicail condition that has stopped me working and being lefted unable to now work how do i go about getting re assessed i informed the dwp in my journal last year of my medical health change but have heared nothing i have been…
. I have been awarded higher level PiP some time ago and was in the support group for ESA. I have recently moved to universal credit and have been sent a UC50 WCA form for my health to be reassessed. Surely I satisfy the severe conditions criteria having PrImary progressive multiple sclerosis and the above that I've…
UC - Housing Element / Housing Benefit
Hello, I have a query that I hope the Scope forums can solve. Am I only in receipt of the UC housing element / benefit because I am in receipt of PIP? If I lost PIP, would I not be entitled to it? I'm confused..
Stock market and benefits and tax free allowance
If I have 6000 worth of shares cfds- which are exempt from capital gain tax - keeping in line with Esa’s 6000 assets (to keep my benefits) can I trade the cfds up to the tax free allowance? Without losing my benefits?? I plan to earn about 33£ a day and transfer the money over to my bank account? And spend it- not save it.…
Please help
I got a journal note on UC today telling me i have a telephone interview on monday im in the lcwa group have waited 3 months to be approved they said in the journsl they want to check im getting the correct ammount UC i have serious PTSD and been diagnosed and have applied for pip my daughter helped me write a journal not…