Goodbye Marmite
Apparently Marmite is to be discontinued So it's goodbye from me because I love the stuff https://mol.im/a/13881501
British Food Fortnight starts today!
No this isnt just about who makes the best bacon sarnie. British Food Fortnight, set for September 20th to October 6th 2024, is the nation's premier celebration of local produce, regional culinary traditions, and sustainable farming practices. Since its creation in 2002, the event has grown so much, bringing together food…
Feeling worried
Hello all, I am feeling worried today.
Let it be
The Beatles let it Be ..... My dad is 80 had whole life of Mental health Bi polar anxiety crushing depression as an 80 year old man he tells me it's a simple as day by day who knows what tomorrow brings me worrying endlessly didn't change any situation it made it worse and it really did he even jumped in river Thames but…
Lets get mobile
This is to all disabled, long-term sick, or anyone on benefits and trying to return to work. Scope have a campaign about the cost of Disability, if everyone filled in a simple letter enclosed to your local MP's around the country we will make a difference. How many Disabled people voted? Read this. Dear Mr &&&&&&&, M P. My…
Food delivery
One of my friends had a box of food delivered this week which had his address on the box but not his name. He's not a member of this food delivery service and never has been. He's not sure what to do with it because he dosen't want to join the company just to email them and can't find their phone number to complain. It's…
Polish-Beaver war
Polish-Beaver war https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/donald-tusk-zapowiada-walke-z-bobrami-ekspert-tlumaczy-ich-prawdziwa-role/z2bht7e?utm_source=wiadomosci.onet.pl_viasg_wiadomosci&utm_medium=referal&utm_campaign=leo_automatic&srcc=undefined&utm_v=2…
I have a question, do I have to report my hospital stay to UC?
The poem called Autumn Sunshine
The weak Autumn sunshine was shining brightly The ray of the Autumn sunshine shone onto my face The Autumn sunshine's shadows stread across the path as I drove my power wheelchair in my local park on a picturesque Autumn sunshine the dark brown leaves made a crunching sound as they fell under the big wheels of my…
Lab grown meat
Following on from a debate on the vine show this morning. Would you eat meat grown in a lab? Me personally it's a very big no.
Single person council tax ……..
Hi from my understanding from this article, does it mean that the 25% single person council tax reduction is going to continue ?
1st Record bought
Afternoon all. Bit dreary here in NE England and listening to some music. Got me wondering what was the first record you purchased. Careful guys, this could reveal your age. I'd love to sound cool and say Pink Floyd but mine was Under the moon of.love by Shawaddywaddy🤣. What was yours. Be truthful.
Takeaways & eating out
Another 2 random questions, as I see takeaways and eating out mentioned often on the forum. Sorry if asked before, I can’t remember. How often do you have a takeaway? How often do you eat out in a proper restaurant? For me the answers are: Once a month. Once every 2-3 months.
Fed up
I feel like rubbish
Musicians/Singers who have improved over 40 years
Susanna Hoffs, A-ha & Depeche Mode - I used to listen them in the 80's but they have got even better over the years. Freddy Mercury of course (had he not died)… Kate Bush is a disappointment. You can't say that about many singers (voices tend to get worse over 4 decades).. Who have I missed ?
Poem called gift
poem called gift We all have a gift Time to use our gift Time to bring warm smiles to those who read my work As I use my gift in a positive way
poem called life
Everyday our lives go at a faster pace Before no it our life has flashed before our eyes That why I learned to adapt to a new challenges that arise in my life Life is meant to be a good challenge which I love to overcome the challenges that come my way I have the words of I can ring in my mind That what defines me glow…
Hi all does anyone know exactly what this means pls
Do you meet the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010 (GB) or the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Northern Ireland I have googled but I’m still Unsure . It’s on my to do list for uc . Ty x
New to this
Never envisaged I'd be on a forum like this. Got to be honest and say, it seems to me that little empathy is extended towards carers who are really struggling to accept Thier partner's condition and the life changes this brings. My husband's mobility issues are one thing but his personality has also changed, so life has…
Poem called End of Summer
Poem called End of Summer It is a bummer that summer has come to an end for another year The sun goes in highbanation till next year I hope to see you one last time my dear friend the sunshine before the end of summer