Aduit training
I am a volunteer for a local charity we mainly deal with support for benefit tribunals, completing forms, access problems. I am interested in training in the Audit side of this group they will give me practical training but l need educational training now to be able to go out alone and deal with access problems, which…
Autism student
Hi my son is enrolled in collage he’s just had a a diagnosis of autism I’m inquiring to see he would get disabled student funding for having autism or does it depend on the individual college
Hi, my name is yellow786flower! Can EHCP documents be changed when you have an annual review?
Hello, I have a question, if your child who’s autistic, has emotional, anxiety, sensory and has laxity joint problems plus communication, does his EHCP legal documentation stay the same or can you have it change when you have a annual review has our son has changed and just turned 11 a few days ago, he’s in a primary…
1-1 in classroom 15hrs cut 12due to paperwork??
Hi everyone please advise on this? I’m posting this for my daughter she forwarded it to me... Does anyone have any experience where there children need full 1-1 support and get a short amount of hours through an ehcp, and know if there’s a way to get 1-1 support funding if you pay for extra nursery hours. I’m a single…
Loans etc for learning?
hello all, does anyone know where I can get a loan - from a charity or scheme - for a course I'd like to learn. I'm on PIP & UC & am a Pwd wheelchair user & female - if any of that helps with direction to look in. Thanks muchly
Learning Grants/Loans from a charity or scheme?
Hi all I'm an adult female wheelchair user, on PIP & UC and would love to study a course I just found out about - but I need a Grant or Loan for the deposit. Any ideas who I can ask ? Your help would be really appreciated. Thanks
Hiya everyone. I am having a hard time with my twin's EHCP at the moment. Both in very different ways. And I feel so confused. About how it all works, what it's supposed to do... we applied together with school for one twin because school told us we should, it couldn't do any harm, only help with transition to secondary…
Impact Of 2nd Covid 19 Wave & The England Lockdown With Education Open
I myself am a 2nd year college student and is directly impacted by this issue. Would love to hear what others think about it so feel free to comment below.
Reasonable adjustments
I write on behalf of my daughter who has ASD, anxiety, depression and selective mutism. She attends college twice a week. The rest of the week is online lessons. She gets LSA support in class, but no help with online lessons. We have asked if she can record these due to her slow processing as they sometimes go too fast for…
I've established a number of schools for special learners
I have established a number of schools for special learners where they get education and then become a useful persons for their communities.
Late Diagnosis of ADHD
Hi my name is Hannah, I am currently in my final year of my psychology degree and I am really struggling. It feels like with all the added pressure my ADHD symptoms are at an all time high and the problem is I don’t understand them or know how to reduce them. I have a student advisor offered by my university who gives me…
does my 18 year old ave to attend college
hi good evening can anyone help give advice my 18 yer old as attended a collage for 2 years its a college for children/adults with special needs lasy year his attendance was very bad as he really didnt want to go in his annual review they said was very withdrawn and rarely happy i know it cause he didnt want to be there he…
Learning a new skill
To adapt my skill set I've taken on a new challenge and started a course on Counselling Sills with the Learning Curve Group through funding through the MS Society. If all goes well I shall achieve a Cerficate CACHE Level 2 qualification. I've just finished the reading on work book one and then the assessment to do.
The power of teaching assistants!
Today, Wednesday 16th September, is National Teaching Assistants' Day. Yet that got me thinking, teaching assistants (TA's) have made a big impact on my ability to access education over the years. I know it is due to their support that I could attempt to compete with my peers. It was their patience that allowed me to…
Coach2Coach Programme
Omnis CiC has new Coach2Coach programme and is looking for participants! This programme allows participants
High school review!
Hi, I’m just after some advice really, background story - my son from nursery in primary school was made to feel different because they couldn’t meet his needs, for 1 year I had to pick him up every dinner time, he then went to an assessment centre for 1 year and at the review they wanted to put him back in mainstream I…
SEN child
Hello. My daughter nine has been diagnosed with 1q21.1 duplication which is genetic. Shes also globally delayed unable to read, write or do simple maths, so SEN shes working at an early year 1 level. Shes a real socialble child though. She will talk to anyone. Her peers at school lo e her and so do her teachers. Had a…
Does anyone know of any private specialist schools in London for children with ASD?
Hi everyone I'm new to this forum. I am in the process of applying for an EHCP for my son with ASD and related conditions. Without an EHCP I'm having great difficulty in applying to specialist schools. My son is academically able and will start secondary (year 7) next September. Any suggestions on private specialist…
Indirect discrimination
Hello Everyone! Im Remmie! My son is 5 years old and is in a specialist school. Hes been going for over a year and we've had nothing but problems but most weve been able to sort but this one I dont think we can. We had access to a parking spot due to my son having a blue badge. We had a video call meeting on Monday and was…
Take a beginners British Sign Language course and pay what you can afford
British-sign.co.uk have a special offer to help people afford their beginners course during these times of coronavirus. Their website explains: For more information and to enrol on the online course, visit the British-sign.co.uk website.