Hi, I'm bowsteen! My ESA payment hasn't gone in.
Hi I was meant to have had a fast track payment made yesterday before 12am and nothing has gone into my bank any ideas why and obviously I can’t ring them now as shut on Saturday
Hi, I'm danielriver7! My ESA payment didn't arrive on time.
Hello, I have been awake all night stressed and ill. I am in ESA support group and have been for several years, have had several assessments and always put in support group. My money always goes into my bank at midnight, but this time hasn't. I know I will have to ring dwp when they open, dreading trying to get through…
New Style ESA
I'm on nsESA (contribution-based) awaiting assessment. Once the 365 days are up, I will not be eligible for any means-tested benefits due to savings and a small pension. Given my conditions I would be hopeful of being assessed as having limited capacity for work or being placed in the support group. My questions are: *…
Can we get pensioner premium with my ESA?
Hello We have recently been given the distressing news that my husbands c- ESA (support group) has stopped due to him being 66 years and he must apply for either, state pension or pension credit. Just found out that as a couple with one of us bot being of pension age we cannot get pension credit. However, I just read…
Hi, my name is keithjegs! Do I have to provide full details of my rental income from inception?
I have been on the old type esa support group for years. Contribution based. I also receive a pension and rental income what the Dwp have been aware off. I also send in yearly statements from my occupational pension as I am aware they can take this into consideration. I have just completed a compliance interview and…
HI i am new here! :) SDP confused! cant find answer i am looking for,
HI i'm new here :) i just wanted to ask, i have been on PIP since 2017- and esa for around 6 years. i live alone (moved into flat back in 2017), no one is receiving carers allowence, at the moment i receive 261 esa. 463/ PIP. if i ring up and ask for SDP would i be entitled to it?. would this mean a change in…
ESA and payments from employer when leave work on capability grounds.
Hi there, I currently receive old style ESA in the support group(LCWRA) but have applied for New style ESA. What is the difference between income based and contribution based ESA, or are they the same? My sick pay finished in September 2020,didnt know about NS ESA then. Can NS ESA be backdated? I also receive PIP enhanced…
Hi I'm marybry! ESA want receipts for money I've spent, but I haven't kept them. Any advice?
I've been in as a for a few years now and pip I received a large some of money 2years ago £70,000 to be exact I've lived on this money for two years paid rent council tax bills a few holiday,s money to my kids and grandkids home decor and just living really most of this money has gone and esa want receipts for everything I…
I'm on old style esa, will I be moved to UC in the next year? Will this happen if I move house?
Hello I have been on old style esa support group for over 10 +years they did change me over from contributions based to both contributions and income based although it didn’t alter my payments. Is it true that they will sometime in the next year or so move us over to Universal Credit? As that will lower my payments I also…
Hi, help needed please on ESA and working and studying part time and PIP
Hi everyone my names sam. I get ESA support group income related and contribution based. I got approval for studying part time with the open uni for (they say) 18 hours. But I rarely do this. I struggle. This is as I get PIP high rate on both Pip have said it's ok to work 3 evenings a week despite getting high rate…
I'm in ESA support group. Can I work alongside studying? Will they lower my award?
Hi everyone my names sam. I get ESA support group income related and contribution based. I got approval for studying part time with the open uni for (they say) 18 hours. But I rarely do this. I struggle. This is as I get PIP high rate on both Pip have said it's ok to work 3 evenings a week despite getting high rate…
Census and ESA AND PIP
Hello all, Today i was taken to get covid19 jab as high risk. Came home already in a state as severe health anxiety, to find the 2021 Census - don't really understand it. I panicked because normally someone helps me but there was no one available and I filled it out as best i could online. It asked questions about - if…
ESA to UC then back to ESA?
If you claim contribution based ESA support group and after awhile, need to claim income based UC. If your circumstances change again can you revert back to claiming your ESA contributions based suport group award?
I got a letter explaining that I need to report any changes. Is this auto-generated?
Hi was just curious got a letter today with a breakdown on my esa which was fine. but also said to report any changes ie your partner I don’t have a partner lol. is this just an auto generated letter ?
ESA50 form and new evidence
Hi, helping my son with form . Says send only medical evidence you have already do not ask for new. At the risk of sounding thick, surely up to date evidence is important and nescassary. My son is having CBT and his long term condition has worsened . Should we request a support/ assessment letter from therapist anyway.
Hi, my name is chrisnstel! My partner receives ESA. How many hours is she allowed to work?
Hi, my partner receives esa and is on the lowest disability rate. Does anyone know how many hours she is allowed to work before it affects her benefits? She has been offered a job but its 20 hours a week. Thanks
Is there anything I can do to forestall another stressful ESA review in a year's time?
In April 2019 my ESA was reviewed, following a WCA I was awarded a further three years until April 2022. I was not aware at the time that I could have challenged the length of the award by requesting a mandatory reconsideration (MR), I find the ESA reviews and the WCA and the hassle of completing the form most stressful…
Hi, I'mThewheelshavefellon! Why does my yearly ESA statement not include my SDP payment?
Good morning and hi to all, I'm a brand newey to scope and hope I can help and contribute to the scope community,it was recommended by a friend, we all need a bit of help or advice time to time and today it's me, so if anyone could help with my question I'd be very grateful, I've been receiving esa for around 7 years and…
Hi, my name is samib! I'm nervous for my ESA assessment tomorrow
I have my esa telephone assessment tomoro. I am literally sick with nerves. My anxiety is bad at best but this has thrown me. I didnt keep copy of my answers and my memory is poor at all times to point i have to recheck e,thing i do. So scared.
ESA & Partner moving in advice
Hey everyone, i was really just hoping for some advice if possible please so i currently live alone but partner is going to most likely end up moving in with me i'm currently on ESA support group and currently receive the SPD i'm also in receipt of enhanced PIP rates i'm aware that if my partner moves in i would loose the…