Why I owe everything to volunteering
Hello! I’m
Hannah, I’m 27 and work for the NHS. In this post I want to share my thoughts
on volunteering and the impact it has had on my life. I would not
be where I am today without the opportunities that volunteering gave me. Volunteering gave me hope As a
teenager, my health forced me out of schooling and all other…
Youth Council
Hi, does anyone know of any charities that run a Youth Council? We are in the process of developing one and it would be good to find out from those who up have an established one what worked and what didn't work. Thank you
Hi, I don't think I belong here, but I don't know where to go.
I have depression and anxiety, but I also feel strange, I've felt this way since I was a child. About seven years ago, I started to feel very strange. I honestly felt like I was sort of being drugged and also had the flu without any symptoms except brain fog, feeling distant, etc... I knew it wasn't "right" to feel like…
Access to legal services and working as a lawyer
Hi everyone, I hope that you might be kind enough to help me with my research. I want to find out about the issues which people with disabilities face in accessing barristers' services and practising as a barrister in England and Wales. I'd be really grateful if you could please share your experiences in this discussion…
Hi there, new here! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last April 2019. Anyone else have it? Let’s share some suggestions and ideas to help each other ? I’ll go first - exercise really does help! Even if it’s just stretches for 5 minutes, it will all go a long way. Have a fab day xxxxx
Changing attitudes- Setting an example
Hi all, I hope that this post finds you all well in these strange times. Please, if I may, I would like to share this with you as I am interested to know what people's thoughts on it are and if feel you would like to then please do share your experiences. I am in my mid twenties and I have Cerebral Palsy. Whilst at school…
Motor Neurones Disease
I watched TV this week and there was a one hour program about a man turning himself into a Cyborg because of MND. Whilst I can appreciate how dreadful it must be I think it is disgusting that so much time and effort by the health services and electronic companies goes on one single person because, as he says, "he doesn't…
care contribution tooooo much ??????
hi everyone ..... can anyone tell me why my 38 year old daughter has to pay almost 30 pounds per week towards her care when her only income is her disability benefits. she receives DLA care and mobility both at the higher rate and ESA she has no other income and no savings. she does receive Direct payments from the local…
Tell Scope about attending a remote benefit assessment or looking for work during lockdown
We would like to hear from disabled people who have had a remote benefit assessment, or who have been looking for work during the coronavirus lockdown. In March, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) suspended face-to-face benefits assessments in response to the lockdown. Since then, the DWP has carried out remote…
In what ways do you find the design of buildings inaccessible?
I recently watched a TED talk given by Sinead Burke, the
disability rights activist, called “Why design should include everyone”. In the TED talk Sinead speaks about living in a world
designed for people of a ‘normal height’ and tells us how as a little person,
who is 3 foot 5 inch, she comes across different problems in…
Disability Discrimination
Hello All, anyone out there an expert on disability discrimination. I have had some very useful information from Robin at Scope but would appreciate any further advice. Thank you
Loneliness and trying not to compare my life to others
Hi everyone, It's a little strange writing this because I don't usually share my feelings (especially not with strangers on the internet) but I wanted to know whether my feelings were unusual and perhaps talk to people who might be able to understand. I'm 23 and this has honestly been the hardest year of my life. I…
Beekeeping with a disability
Hi everyoneI have always wanted to keep bees and thought that due to my disability it was now not possible.Last year we decided to go for it and with help I built a Top Bar hive as they are more accessible and don't involve the heavy lifting that the standard hives do.In May I got a swarm and they were put into the hive…
Somatoform pain disorder
Hi, They just put this down on my record. I think they mean somatic symptom disorder. I dunno if I'm comfortable with this. The description seems to suggest an exaggerated response to pain. That's insulting. I am seeing a persistent pain clinic. I think I've hit the crux of the issue. They think that 'benign' pain is no…
Real life story
Here is my life story so far and I was wondering if you could help me find publishers and also feed back is welcome My parents lived with my grandparents before they found out they were expecting me, when they found out they were expecting me they asked my nan to write them a letter to say that she was kicking them out so…
Hi, my name is ingridJ - I have a question about social distancing and parking in town centres.
are are any other disabled communities finding that their council’s social distancing policy has removed 90% of the disabled parking in their town centre?
Does suspension of an online gambling account on the basis of disability count as discrimination?
I am wondering if there is anyone here with knowledge of disability discrimination and whether suspension on an online gambling account after 3 + years of use on the basis of a known or perceived disability would count as discrimination? When I signed up for the service in 2016 I was honest with the company that I was…
I am struggling to deal with these covid-19 rules which are very disability unfriendly. One of the latest being that my gym at claiming that you cannot bring a bag into the gym. You have to be 'gym ready'. But I need to carry around certain things with me in a bag for disability-related reasons.
We want to hear from you!
Disabled people may be paying more than they need to for their energy. Changing suppliers can be difficult and we want to hear about your experiences. Help us to get your concerns heard by completing our survey and you could win a £50 Amazon prize.
Holding my previous surgery to account with hopefully a change made
I just want to have my voice heard. I still find it ver painful psychologically what I've gone through. Since from 2014-2019 my practice did nothing to help me and I don't think that is right. Does anybody know anything about legal support as I complained to NHS England and through to the ombudsman and they declined my…