Disabled mum hoping to pick up some tips and make new friends
I'm a disabled mum of 4, 2 of which have additional needs. I'm not sure what else to say, sometimes I feel overwhelmed and alone, hoping I may pick up tips and if brave enough make some new friends who get my life without pitying or patronising glares
Going back to day centre
We're just beginning to look at a possible return to the day centre for our son. There are lots of questions we have about whether or not it is actually safe. After all, we three have been at home since mid-March and not mixing with others. Is there a check list or similar that we could use to help our discussions with the…
My child wears splints on both feet, and has flat feet. Where can I buy reasonably priced shoes?
hello i am a parent to a child that wears splints on both feet. i am finding it hard to find shoes that are deep enough but not to expensive. he has flat flat also, so its hard to get his feet to fit into any normal shoes. can you suggest anything or help
A bit of advice needed
This is a strange one and your advice sought as to how to go about sorting it out. I am not sure if I am in the correct category even. My friend had a stroke in February and then Covid 19. He is not yet retirement age but is now severely restricted by his stroke and very vague either from his stroke or covid 19. He is in…
Can they ? ? ?
Just booked my 2 kids on play scheme, had to pay £234 extra for the wheelchair user who has cp. she needs a 1:1 for personal care so I had to pay for that. What happened to Equality of Access !!
Support with the diagnosis pathway
Hi. My name is Sherrie. I'm here for advice and a sense of comeradery. I have had lots of training and experience with children with ASD, EBD and sensory processing disorders. Ever since my little girl was 1 I have been able to see certain traits that aren't Neuro typical. Due to my training and ability to accommodate her…
Completely ignored by social care
I have a 24 year old son who is non-verbal autistic with learning disabilities and wondered has anybody heard anything from social care during the lockdown period. It strikes me that we have been completely ignored, nobody has rung us to ask how we are and how he is coping with the situation. I realise that there is…
Does anyone have a list of worldwide hospitals that have a paediatric neurology department?
My two year old daughter was born extremely prematurely at 24 weeks and suffered a bilateral Grade 3 brain haemorrhage, resulting in acquired Hydrocephalus and.Cerebral Palsy. She has had two neurosurgeries at the Bristol Children’s Hospital: to fit an ommaya reservoir (ventricular access device) and for an ETV (Endoscopic…
Hi I need someone to talk to me
Has anyone experienced PAs or agencies in caring for a child with physical and mental disabilities?
Hi my name s Sally I recently started caring for my cousin as a relative passed away it seems alot to understand but it helps reading about your experiences with pa or agency thankyou
High functioning autistic with traits of PDA, 7 year old daughter
Hi I'm new to here and have just had some help from a clinical psychologist who thinks my daughter is high functioning autistic with traits of PDA anyone else have a similar diagnosis my daughter is 7 years old and now I need to ask for a referal from my GP.
Desperate to talk to some other mums
Hello everyone, I'm new here. I have a six year old beautiful boy recently diagnosed with Aspergers. I am desperate to talk to some other mums as most days I feel like I'm losing my mind and that I am the only one in the world doing this!
Help and advice for my children - Anxiety, SPD, ASD
Hi hi guys I’m Emma mum to Ben 18 very slightly on the spectrum and mum to Lucy 13 spd and Asd. Bens issues are not that bad he has more physical disabilities but Lucy is finding things hard at the moment. Need some help and any advice greatly received ❤️
EHCP Tribunal appeal
Hi My son is 4 year old and autistic. He is a mainstream primary school and only attends 1 hour and 30 minutes a day. We have just got his EHCP, we applied for a special needs school but we are told that there are no available places of our preferred school and that he’ll continue attending his current mainstream school…
Pregnancy and post natal Yoga and relaxation
Hi everyone I am an Occupational Therapist and Registered Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher based in Bucks. I am interested to know if the community feel there is good access to this type of service in their local area as I personally feel like this is missing for the disabled community? Being an OT and having trained in…
1 year old - autistic??
my son is nearly 1. He was Very behind at his 10 month check with regards to his social and communication skills. This has confirmed what I already feared - that he could be autistic. His symptoms are hand flapping and twirling, not responding, not pointing, not engaging in play with anyone else etc. he has been a…
I'm not sure about my 11 yr old. Advice
Hi everyone, I have a sweet & almost 12 yr old girl who has had social issues since forever. I'm not sure if she may be mild autistic or her social issues are due to severe shyness/extreme caution of people so those skills didn't develop as well due to avoidance. Since a baby I noticed she would be physically uncomfortable…
Trying to find a good care home in London - help please
Hi there, I am trying to look for a good care home for my 34 year old brother in law. He is disabled and an epileptic. He has the personality of a 5 year old so can understand most things. My in-laws are now really old and finding it really difficult to look after him. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations on care…
Still no ehcp
Hi I've just joined to try and get some advice from anyone who can help me, my son is waiting for his ehcp and to be seen by ASD panel. My son has been place reduced timetable since the beginning of September. At first i thought the school was doing all it could but as time has gone on, I now feel they just want him put as…
Desperate for some help for my son
I have joined as I have noticed posts from people in a similar situation as me. my son is 21 and has been diagnosed with ASD Aspergers he has Anxiety and become recluse for years now he doesn't go out.I am desperate for some help to help him as I worry about his future.