Alphabetical words associated with night time game
Anything at all, real or imagined; a noun, adjective, phrase, etc. I'll start with Aurora
Tea party A-Z game
As I'm sure you know, we are a bunch of very sophisticated people with very sophisticated tastes. So naturally we're having a sophisticated tea party to show how very sophisticated we are. So name a food or drink that you're bringing to the party starting with A and going all the way through the alphabet. For example:…
what music do you like
i love all sorts of music i do even i got told i am not capebel of lstion to musici i do i love 80s and some hyams i do i love this song if not allowed delete mods
Name Game
I was thinking of a good name game for people who have a certain kind of job that we could play. For instance you could have a Mr Bun the Baker. or Grabit, Quick, and Scarper for a Solicitor. Can you come up with some more.
Question for PS5 gamers
Hello, I used to be a PC gamer most of my life, but because of my neurological disability I am forced to look elsewhere and I think PS5 is a good stop. Some games require u to spam a certain button on a controller in order to progress or perform a certain action. This can be very challenging for me, and I'm not sure if I…
Notifications...how do I turn them off?
Hi there, I joined in on one of the games and now I'm getting tonnes of notifications and it's really stressing me out as I cannot see how to stop it. Does anyone know how to stop it? For context in terms of my meltdown: I'm autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic and suspected ADHD. I have way too many emails in my mailbox as it…
What's that song? Christmas edition 🎄
Post some lyrics from a Christmassy song or carol and let the next member guess what song it's from. That person can then pick the next set of lyrics to keep the game going! For example: If someone posted: "They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games" The next person would need to answer: "Rudolph the Red Nosed…
A-Z Countries
Naming countries from A-Z. Next letter of the alphabet after the last person's answer I'll start - Albania
A-Z of Board Games
It's Play Monopoly Day but I thought we could get a list together of other board games! I'll start with A. Azul. A gorgeous game that's easy to learn where you place tiles to create certain patterns.
👻 Name a spooky film using the last letter of the previous spooky film. 🧛♂️
Well as the spookiness is starting to appear on the community, I thought it'd be time to break out a well loved game, but with a spooky twist! Usual rules apply, think of a spooky film that starts with the last letter of the previous title. To start with, it has to be… HALLOWEEN! 🎃
Never Ending Six Word Spooky Story 👻
You've probably seen our Never-Ending 5 word story, and if you were around last year you might have spotted our One line at a time spooky story game too. Seeing as a few of you have started getting excited for Halloween, we're back nice and early to write another Halloween classic! And this time you get an extra spooky SIX…
I Went To The Shops And Bought
I will start the game with I went to the shops and bought some milk the next person has to say they went to the shops and bought some milk and what ever they bought and so on.
The Joke Zoo
I'll start with a joke about an animal, then I'll say a different animal which the next person has to write a joke about. What do you get when you cross a fish and an elephant? Swimming trunks! The next joke should be about a… shark!
Game Lounge
30 useless facts
Reindeer like to eat bananas. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them. There are 10 times more stars in the night sky than grains of sand in the world’s deserts and beaches. A piece of paper can be folded no more than 9 times. The flea can jump…
Which famous person have you come across?
I was at a service station café around 1979 and couldn't believe when Marvin Gaye walked in with all his entourage sat down and obviously had food and drinks. A few people went up to him and asked for autographs, one asked for a autograph on a pound note as we had back then. I was amazed to see someone that famous where…
Guess the film
Through emojis can you guess the following films? Good luck! 🧙⚡️👦👓️ ❄️🚢 🗓️⏰🗓️⏰🗓️⏰🗓️⏰
Beat the members
It's our turn to see how high the Scope team can count before members spot us and interrupt. Here's the catch: We can count multiple numbers in a row they just need to be in new posts. For example, an individual team member can do 1, 2, 3, 4.... and as high as we like before being interrupted by any member of the…
A to Z of Inspirational Women
March is Women's History Month and I thought, very much like The Author Game, we name inspirational women, but this time, we go from A to Z and give a fact about them. I'll start; Audrey Hepburn. An inspiration in the movie world but during World War Two, she helped raise money for the Dutch Resistance through illegal…
The Author Game
As it is World Book Day on the 7th of March, and our new Games Lounge has been so popular, I thought, why not a book game?. I also thought this could be a great way for people to share and find more authors to read from. In a similar fashion to the "name a city" game, you will name an author whose name begins with the last…