Driving license revoked on medical grounds, is a motability power chair worth it?
Sadly I found out that I can't learn to drive as my license is being revoked because my medical issues. It's a bit of a letdown. I think I need to get an electric wheelchair now or adapt my manual chair but I don't have a lot of money spare and nowhere near the 5.5k they ask for for power assisted devices. I have a manual…
Looking for legal aid?
Hi can anybody give any help over property matters. Any help will be appreciated. Kind regards. Dan62.
I’ve probably spelt it wrong. I’ll get to the point. I was diagnosed with gastropirisis April, this year. As my GP is terrified of having face to face consultations? I was told over the phone call not to have a conversation with her about anything she just wanted to see me. obviously I asked her many questions about…
Question for wheelchair users - is there a trick to help when on a sloped pavement?
Hi, I'm new to using a wheelchair, i'm due to get my bespoke chair on 27th so i'm in an intermediate one at the moment. My question is: Is there a trick or any technique that helps when on a pavement? Although the slope towards the pavement is only slight it really impacts one arm whilst the other gets a break (until the…
Supported living accommodation
Hello, Can anybody grant me any insight into the rules regarding supported living.. I currently have a licence agreement in supported accommodation, i suffer with Adhd and depression, i have been with this charity for over a year and they have just moved me to smaller premises with only 1 other person, the bedroom is very…
Hi, my name is debrarubdub! My housing is not suitable
Newbie alert! So please be nice if I get it wrong. I have arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am currently applying to go on the housing list for more suitable accomodation as my housing association house is set over 4 floors with 4 flights of stairs including outside access. To go anywhere in the house I have to go up or down a…
Mobility Scooter batteries
I bought a scooter last Christmas and the batteries are not holding charge, i suspect this is my fault as i didnt realise about over charging, I have been quoted £70 for regular acid batteries or £250 for Lithium ones which they say will mean it holds it charge for 3 times as long. I only use my scooter twice a week but…
I'm a bit stuck
Hi, I submitted an application to OT social services on 04/08, basically I have steps up to my house and i'm now a wheelchair user, not the best combination. As well as the above I asked for help with my council tax as per a scheme my council offer. I've got a reply today to say the council tax home assessments aren't…
Rising damp
Hi, I have a problem with rising damp in my present Victorian 9” single brick external walled house and I’m wondering if anyone else has found a good solution to this problem. I’ve looked at various products, some are topical paints and some are rods which require holes in the wall, the problem is the reviews are mixed and…
Hi, my name is RJB! How can I help my sister use her iPad or a computer?
My sister has essential tremor, and finds it nearly impossible to use her ipad. Does anybody have any iseas as to how we can find a solution for her to be able to use a computer or ipad for communicating?
Fractured vertebrae. I'm thinking about surgery. How could I get a second opinion?
Hello. A few years ago I had a seizure which fractured 2 vertebrae, and then a couple years later I had another seizure which fractured 2 more. So in total I have 4 compression fractured vertebrae. When I was in the hospital the first time, they said surgery wasn't an option and there wasn't much that could be done…
Moving out of parents while on benefits?
Hi, I currently recieve benefits for my mental health issues, PIP and ESA. I would like to move out of my parents house and into a place with my partner. Is such a thing even possible and what are the steps I would need to take? I assume I would need to move from ESA and onto UC to get some kind of support with the renting…
New electric wheelchair needed. Any suggestions?
I’m looking for a new lightweight electric wheelchair for both indoors and outdoors any suggestions of companies that sell them, wheelchairs it’s self and grants to help put towards it.
Residential care for a 20 yr old
My son is 20 next yr and wants to move out, I agree this is the best option for him. He wants a residential setting . Where do I begin to find a residential setting for young adults who will cater to his needs? We dont mind where it is but I'm guessing it could be a lengthy process and want to get the ball rolling ready…
Unsuitable Housing for autistic kid
Hi, we 2 adults and 3 kids living in a 2 bed 1st floor council flat since june 2020. My 7 year okd son has autism hyper mobility and other special needs. He is sharing a room with brother and sister. We have a communal terrace wid v low boundry wall he climbed it twice luckily i saved him from falling down. We have a…
Update about support from council and OT. Awaiting grant decision to fund wet room.
Hi all. When I first joined the site I got a lot of help and advice about accessing support from the council, I have since had occupational therapist at my house checking out what help I need and what they can give they are fitting a step at the front door and she gave me a form to fill in which I filled in and sent off…
Prize draw to win £30 voucher for providing your feedback- Travel, Transport and Social life
We have lots of information on our website about transport, travel and social life. We would like your help to organise it so that it is easy for people to find. All you need to do is follow this link : https://ows.io/tj/3u7pe160 The task asks you to find some information using a menu. There are no right or wrong answers,…
Mutual exchange query
Hi, I am looking for some advice on mutual exchange. I have a 1 bed first floor flat and want to move to a different property as I am unhappy with the setup here as the place is too small with no storage space, no garden and no drive and I don’t get on with surrounding neighbours. I have found someone who is willing to…
Hold shared ownership scheme
Anyone know how this scheme works and is there a maximum amount when looking to purchase a property thanks Hans
Hi, my name is kell8181! Where can I buy second hand wheelchairs and other equipment?
Hello guys ! i am new on here can any one tell me a classifeild sites to buy second hand wheelchairs & equitment .i am needing to buy a wheelchair as i got totally measured up wrong and i am stuck in a tank of a wheelchair ksl i have been on ebay but i dont do ebay to be honest . Hope you can help thanks .