Hi, my name is GillianSally! Does anyone have any experience of flying with a spinal injury?
Hello - I've signed up here to try to help my sister who is in Australia. I live in UK with our 93 year old mother. My sister Sally has NMO and is paralyzed waist down after spinal injury. Mum and Sally so want to see each other again and I wondered if anyone had experience of flying with a spinal injury. They so want to…
Please tell me there’s someone else here with Fowlers Syndrome
I just feel alone with it and really am hoping there’s someone else with it on here
Hi to all
I have been to collect my new hearing aids today the ones I had to pay £85.00 pounds for as my other ones kept falling off its not right I had to pay for them in the first place. Can I claim this money back at all as I am not working. Not very happy at all. Sparklebright63.
Any advise, I have just been diagnosed with ME/CFS
Hi, my name is lainey23! I'm about to have a total hip replacement. Any tips for recovery?
Hi everyone. I’m about to have a total hip replacement. Any tips for recovery and while in hospital? I’ve already had my knees done a few years ago. How does this compare.thanks
Bowel Incontinence
Bowel Incontinence"Not the Most Pleasantest of Questions" After four months of virtually constant bloody diarrhoea I managed to get an emergency G.P., appointment. I'll give the NHS their due they were brilliant. I was put on the Seven Day Suspected Cancer Pathway. Ten minutes later I had three tubes of blood taken out my…
Hi everyone. My friend's partner's mum is trying to stop him from taking his epilepsy medication
I'm not sure if I'm in the right place here, but I'm looking for some help for a friend as she'd worried that her partner's mum is trying to stop him from taking his epilepsy medication. They've been told by both a doctor and a paramedic that her (my friend's) partner has got epilepsy. She has epilepsy herself as she's had…
Is there any help other than PALS when doctors make mistakes?
My doctor prescribed tablets they shouldn't have for my tremors because I also have kidney disease. My GP has explained my kidneys could not process them so they went back into my system and have damaged my nerve endings. I now have severe peripheral neuropathy. I phoned PALS who would not help unless I was prepared to…
Hi, my name is annk! Is anyone else living with acalasia?
I am in the middle of tests for acalasia, I'm suffering a year and a half now and I have lost over 34lbs, I am waiting on a manometry test that seems to be taking forever, my symptoms aren't always the same , I've had botox in my esophagus which was great, but now after 10 weeks it seems to have worn off , and I'm drained…
Who else has Drop foot
How many people on the forum have this condition, how do you cope with it any hints or tips would be much appreciated . THANKS
Talking tape measure
I sew and have to measure all the time as a visually impaired person with ataxia it is quite the faff to measure accurately. I have experimented with a standard retractable steel measure and have a way to use with fabric. I am looking at one from Cobolt through RNIB. Any feedback on whether it's worth the outlay would be…
New member. I had my stroke almost 6 years ago. Still working on recovery
Hi I'm new here but not new to stroke unfortunately. I had my stroke almost 6 years ago. Still working on recovery :)
Would a sculpture of the face of friends/family be appreciated by members of the VI community?
I'm a new sole business, a maker, and I can do detailed face scans and produce sculptures from these scans in both 3D printing and carved wood. I was wondering if you would be able to give me your opinion on if a sculpture of the face of friends and family would be a gift that would be appreciated by members of the…
Pulsatile tinnitus and hearing loss
Hi! I am just asking on here if anyone has any info around pulsatile tinnitus and hearing loss! For a while I can hear my heartbeat in my ear, sometimes it gets louder. Every now and then I hear ringing too. I struggle to hear people if there is background noise and it sounds like people are mumbling! Anyways, I had my…
Hi, my name is Octavia8! I want to learn to lip read , can you help
In the last 6 months I have gone from a fully hearing person but after 2 incidents of Covid I have lost and continue to lose my hearing. I want to learn to lip read , canyons help
Hi, I'm johnmac! I've had no taste buds since my operations. Anyone know how this can be cured?
Hi, this is my first time on the site I’m fed via a line into the heart for my TPN bag I also have a live fistula which comes out of my stomach I have 130 cm of active bowel. I manage all of the above myself i do not have any nurses or doctors. The reason I have joined this site is to ask a question of anyone else with…
Hello everyone!
I'm so happy to be here and I hope everyone's doing great! I hope this is the right place to ask. I'm looking for a company/companies, other than Amazon, who would be able to ship talking or tactile appliances all over the world? If anyone has any suggestions, it would be highly appreciated! I live in Africa and I'm in…
'The Deaf community isn’t exempt from the other forms of oppression' - a chat with Socially Sound
I recently spoke to Sarah and Kirsty from Socially Sound about what it's like to be a young, Deaf person, and how intersectionality plays a role in the experiences of Deaf people. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourselves? S: I’m Sarah, a Black Deaf Woman. I am bilaterally implanted and I have just recently…
Do you know a BSL interpreter?
A British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter is needed for a Q&A screening of LISTEN - a film about a Portuguese family trying to keep their deaf daughter out of social care. The screening is on Sunday 19 June at Genesis Cinema. If you or someone you know might be able to help, please email films@bohemiamedia.co.uk Thanks :)
Support for Auditory processing Disorder (APD)
All of our family have a clinically Auditory processing Disorder (APD).. The problem has been that we have never been able to find anyone who is capable of providing any support and or understanding regarding our complex disability.