Online Speech Therapy
Hi everyone, I started online speech therapy platform, not only due to the current COVID situation, but also this is a new way to get access to therapist. We have kids as young as 3 years old making progress via Teletherapy (online speech and language therapy), with the little ones around the age of 3 is also about parents…
Speech and language therapy
How do I go about acquiring speech and language therapy? I tried to get it from my GP and social services. But neither has been very helpful.
Cataract surgery
Hi I know this is nothing to do with disability but is there anyone who has had cataract surgery. My sister said I will be okay she was a former Opthalmic staff nurse and she also had cataract surgery. Am I.just being scared for nothing. The surgery is on Thursday unless my INR is out of range then I will have to postpone.
The 4 types of Auditory Processing Disorder
The four types of Auditory Processing Disorder -Temporal, Speech in Noise, Amblyaudia, and Spatial - you could have a look at my Zotero “Auditory Processing Disorders” Group research paper compilation which includes subgroups for the different types of Auditory Processing Disorders and some related issues Zotero “Auditory…
Suffering from Dysarthria
i am new to this forum Dysarthria affects different people in different ways. Some people sound like they're mumbling or slurring their words. ... Their voices may sound unusually hoarse, breathy, or strained. Dysarthria can affect more than just speech. Symptoms of dysarthria are mostly changes in speech, and include the…
Long Cane vs Symbol Cane
Hi all! I've used a white long cane since September 2019 and it's been fantastic, but I don't find it to be totally useful in every situation. I am severely sight impaired but I do have some useful sight, so in places I'm familiar with I tend to be alright getting around without my long cane. Now, one of the big benefits…
Support for auditory processing disorder.
Hi everyone I'm new here! I was given a diagnosis of APD around 4 years ago by an NHS audiologist after complaining of long term hearing difficulties despite passing my hearing test amongst other things. I've not had any tests to support this diagnosis apart from the standard hearing test and was advised to use the hear…
Hi, my name is Emily (@21andsensory)
My name is Emily, I’m 25 and I have Sensory Processing Disorder also known and referred to as SPD and I am autistic. I am a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Blogger. My blog and Instagram page aim to bring people everywhere together to discuss their sensory problems and how they cope with their everyday lives. I want it…
Waiting for Hearing Aids
Hi, I am currently under investigation for hearing loss under the ENT department. I keep getting conflicting messages about hearing aids. In my first appointment I was told I was recommended for hearing aids and would be put on a waiting list while they ran blood tests to determine the cause of my hearing loss. Then I…
Home Assessments
Hi there, Im Nicky007 & I’m new to this. I have a question where can I get an assessment within my home for any updated divices that I may need? I did have an assessment years ago by HCC but I’ve emailed & called them recently but to no avail - can anyone help? Tia
Speech delay
My 5.5 years old boy is in year 1 and has speech delay. Last year , the community paediatrician assessed him and said that he will outgrow of speech problem at the age of 10. She said that she didn’t see autism in him at all and that she will discharge him from the clinic . We as parents didn’t think about autism as he has…
Hearing test
I had a detailed hearing test today and actually am a bit shocked at being told I need hearing aids. I knew at times I didn't hear things but put it down to my other illnesses don't really understand the results gave me graft to take to my doctor to refare me for the hearing aids.. Like I don't have enough already.. Any…
Some Aspects of Audiology
Some Aspects of Audiology :- AmblyaudiaAphasia (Acute Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia)AudioVisual IntegrationAuditory AgnosiaAuditory MemoryAuditory NeuropathyAuditory Processing DisorderBrain Development and MaturationCochlear ImplantsCommunication and LanguageComputer-based auditory training (CBAT)Dichotic…
What style and make of headphones do you find most comfortable?
Having a BAHA fitted only a few months ago I'm finding chatter in my open office a bit much so music is a nice mental break. Without my BAHA I'm quite hard of hearing but can get by (just about). I'd love to invest in good headphones so I can listen to music at work. How do you prefer to listen to music? Whatever style I…
Do you have a favourite Charity for Deaf and Hard of Hearing causes?
We obviously all love Scope but do you have a Deaf or Hard of Hearing charity that's close to your heart? Tell us why in the comments! Do you think your chosen charity shares good information? Do they do social events? Have they helped you directly? If you vote "other" be sure to share a link to that other charity. Thanks…
British Society of Audiology (BSA) and the Royal Surrey NHS 2nd Seminar on APD
British Society of Audiology (BSA) and the Royal Surrey NHS 2nd Seminar on Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Hearing in Noise and Hyperacusis. Wednesday 4th March 2020 9:00-12:30 . Education Centre Lecture Theatre Guildford www.thebsa.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Flyer-APD-and-hyperacusis-programme-2020.pdf Prof.…
Auditory pareidolia and a brand new BAHA
We all know the horror movie trope: What's that noise? Oh, it's the [totally generic and explainable thing here] of course. Of course, of course. It is, to be fair, always something totally generic and explainable but auditory pareidolia is still a terrifying and fascinating experience all the same. I have been losing my…
Music lessons
My daughter is 12yrs old, she is blind and autistic. She is very musical and loves to sing. I would like some information on any organisations which offer music lessons for the visually Impaired Thank you
severely visually impaired, my condition is called Anirida
Hi, My name Is Haya. I am 20 years old. I'm originally from Pakistan but have been brought up in the UK. I've moved from country to country and ended up back in the same area (Swindon). I am severely visually impaired, my condition is called Anirida. Because of the nature of the condition I am affected by several eye…
Otitis Media (with Effusion) and Auditory Processing Disorders
Hi @justdon I thought it best to post this here rather than on the dyslexia thread where we have previously been discussing these issues.here is a link to my PubMed Otitis Media research paper collectionwhich is also included on my Evernote "Some Audiology PubMed Research Paper Collections " web page Iam not very good at…