Struggling big time
Hi everyone I am 62 and my husband is 62 my husband and myself have always worked. I got fibromyalgia in 2009 and ME in 2011 before that I was physically fit always at the gym working out, looking after my daughter who is 34 now, I met my husband in 2000 online we married in 2007. in 2012 I got diagnosed with osteoporosis…
New to the Forum. Can someone recommend a product that will generate extreme heat?
Hi,My name is Dan [removed by moderator - full name] and I live is the southern most part of the United States. I have suffered with chronic (never ending) back pain since I was 20 years old. I am now 70. I’ve run the gamut for most of the available pain relief options with the exception of operations ( advised against…
Does anyone else find that cooling their body down, rather than using heat, helps with pain?
Hi there to my fellow sufferers. A question I would like to ask anyone out there. Having looked at the NHS website,a warm bath or pool can help with the pain,we'll for me it actually makes the pain worse.What I do and it works for to cool my body down and try to get as cold as possible.Is this the same for you my fellow…
fibromyalgia pain
My doctor keeps fobbing me off. He knows I have got fibro as he diagnosed it. Last time I went to see him it was a complete waste of time. He said was I looking for reassurance and did I want him to refer me to the pain clinic which he had done before and it was a complete waste of time. I am now in agony and sometimes…
Degenerative Spinal Stenosis fusion opp
Hi all I was referred to what I think, is a better hospital for my condition, with the hope that the surgeon there would do the fusion operation on my spine, I have already had xrays mri scan and he wanted me to have a CT scan which is a new one for me. I had the scan 3 weeks ago. I had the telephone appointment today, he…
Any advice on low laser therapy or acupuncture?
After a botched tailor's bunion in 2019, I had a revision procedure recently. Now I have neuropathy in both feet especially in the toes. Pregabalin does not work; it only masks the symptoms - nor does a morphine patch. Any advice on low laser therapy or acupuncture?
Chronic Pain Petition
We are a large group of disabled people who suffer from chronic pain. #ChronicPainisNotNICE Chronic Pain can take so many things away from you. Yet, pain relief & similar treatments can provide many patients with some quality of life. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has drastically reduced the…
Spinal Cord stimulation - Set for Wednesday Feb 16
Hi, all. I am scheduled for the installment of a spinal Cord stimulator on Wed Feb 14, 2022. I must admit I am pretty nervous. The one-week trial went well and I got about 60 - 65% pain reduction. The after-effects of the procedure were very painful so I am pretty worried as wed will be much more invasive. Has anyone out…
Pain management appointment next Thursday
Hi I've got an appointment letter saying that I've been put on the waiting list last week for pain management then today I got a letter saying they are now able to offer me an appointment at the pain clinic was really surprised because it was quick response I'm not sure what the pain management going to be able to do for…
Hi my name is Koogee! Suffering from sudden onset back pain 3 months ago. Any advice on how to cope?
Suffering from sudden onset back pain 3 months ago. Intense tingling and burning down both legs. Totally incapacitated and very scared. I am new and would just like some advice on how to cope as I am not doing very well. Thank you
story on living better with chronic pain
Hi All thought you might be interested in this take on living with chronic pain - https://camdendisabledvoices.org/meet-my-friend-pain
Hello to everyone, I became disabled after an accident nearly 10 years ago, lost the use of my right foot after a mechanic ran over it, at the time I thought my life was over, I was only 38, I lost my best job as a community nurse, was told I would never get the use of my foot back and nearly 10 years later I still haven't…
Hi, my name is MRBIGS68! Could falling off a wall in the past have caused my spinal stenosis?
I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis after a C T scan this was about 7 years ago I also want to say.that when I was 12 years old I fell off a wall and I had traumatic brain injury I had 2 broken arms and also I couldn’t understand why I had 2 black eyes and couldn’t open them fractured skull I am wondering if this is…
Thoracic back pain
Hi all, I am looking looking help as I'm really struggling mentally and physically. I've had back pain which radiates into my right ribs and round to my abdomen more on than off over the last 6 months. The pain is like a burning inflamed band just under where my bra strap goes and then down right side. I've had abdominal…
electric chsir
hi everyone.i'm looking for a charity that can help me get a bespoke reclining chair nay suggestions thanks
Hi, my name is Gemz66! I have HSP type 10. My medication makes me too tired. Any other options?
I was diagnosed with HSP type 10 after my dad finally received the diagnosis. He had been going backwards and forwards and was told he had loose leg. My mums persistence finally got him the diagnosis but as he is over 60 he receives no disability help. I have problems with my legs and now it’s affecting my arms. I’m also…
Pain level / pain threshold
do you determine the level of pain that you are in? Everybody has different threshold levelsMy wife has started to query the amount of pain that I am in -because rather than walking to the bottom of the stairs, I now simply crawl all of the way - when I try walking, I get shooting pains down my legs and spine (My 6…
Good Morning everyone I hope your all OK I haven't slept all night I think my osteoarthritis has spread to my hip and leg it's very painful it hurts to walk
Is there any hope of pain relief?
According to the Spinal Specialist I have Degenerative scoliosis, degenerative spondylolisthesis and also a small disc protrusion, therefore I have had back pain for many years.Surgery was tried to release a trapped nerve but that made no difference and I was told that I would have to live with it, I am 81 but reasonably…
Osteoarthritis walking bone on bone
Hi good morning , went to doctor's appointment yesterday she now trying me on injections into my knees and left hip , hopefully this we'll help with my diagnosis stage 4 arthritis which means I'm walking bone on bone they won't do surgery as I am overweight , on oramorph and MST and gabapentin for pain and nerve damage ,…