A warm welcome to all the new community members!
Blimey there's a lot of new faces in here today! Let's give a big, warm greeting to: @moonsmama @bobs @chopper2577 @redpanda0394 @TM24 @yvonne24 @KarenCOAWL @Ama @sandra61 @michaelfrancis @burn2232 @kornelia1986 @Saishajane @anda @Kathleen13 @EPO @hederyas @seanwhitehurst @JohnMatrix @rassvettaet @Nanayana @garykiernan…
Hello to our new members!
We've had lots of people join us over the past day, so please wish a very warm welcome to our new members: @Verr, @skitty777, @pippandaeyes67, @Avolu57, @Deanne1964, @DMALLEN, @Cca, @shefa, @Ewestern82, @Tutu22, @toks, @sarahxamelia, @Silverchild, @robert26, @vicz00, @Laura_B, @puzzlehead, @janetBaker, @Debalf,…
Hi, my name is jacqui2612!
Hello everyone. I hope you are well. I will be posting a problem i have shortly and hope you can help me
Hi, my name is djgriff003!
Hi, my name is bluehearingaids!
I'm hard of hearing looking for some discussion about disability in the UK
Hi, my name is makkers90!
hi all just seen this on tictoc
Hi, my name is heder!
Hey guys. Here aswell with the same issues like some of us here, no advice from no one (gp or uc) pip not been approved. With inflammation arthritis and fibromyalgia not much I can't do. Please guys any help or advises.
Hi, my name is chronicallyiconic!
I suffer from Chronic Migraines and have Dyspraxia, along with numerous other health conditions. I work part time as a cleaner. I enjoy reading, gaming, crafts, horror and history.
Hi, my name is Shellm1308!
Hi All I am new here, I've recently been diagnosed with RA and AS inflammation Arthritis. I have had to quit work and struggle with taking care of myself and my home.
Universal credit
Well i had my Universal credit Phone interview today. Must say it was nothing to worry about. Just the normal security question's And just checked a couple of in goings in my Bank account. The Gentleman who interviewed me thanked me for attending the phone interview. He was really nice. Quite relieved to be honest. And…
Hi, my name is Sean whitehurst! Direct Payments
I wonder if anyone can offer any advice. I have MS and my wife is my carer, she is employed by a Care Agency who pay her for the hours Social Services allocated for my care. I would like to receive Direct Payments instead but because I live in Shropshire the local council will not allow this. I know that in a lot of other…
Hi, my name is sandra61!
Hi. Was diagnosed with a chiari malformation years ago. just new here. Is this forum in the uk? I’m on one in USA. Not really helpful
Hi, my name is star123!
Hi hello
Hi, my name is Mickky078!
Hi I'm Micheal I'm open to meet good friends and like minded individuals .
Hi, my name is Eileen123!
New to the group. Thanks for letting me join 🙂
Hi, my name is Verr!
Hi everyone Im new here
Thursday's group welcome!
A lovely warm welcome (to counteract the chill lately!) to our new members who joined us yesterday: @sazzlesarah, @Staggered51, @oscar19, @Robbytere, @clare2506, @shonamarie, @Goldjimbo, @Bacon, @poppy2002, @SallyK, @shirleycurley, @sarahs182008, @chelly6, @gracious55, @dawdywardy, @eva23, @lizzieanne11, @Clare12542,…
Hello Everyone - Happy Thursday
Hello! I'm Annie and have just joined the Online Community Team, although I have worked in Scope for nearly 3 years. I love getting outside with my family and our gorgeous dog, especially this time of year. I love autumn and the lead up to Christmas! To unwind, when I'm not chasing the dog or the children, I love to read.…
Wonderful Wednesday Welcome!
A warm welcome this Wednesday to the following members who joined the community yesterday! @pinktwinkle321, @Kellyanne26, @NormaV, @S_Greg86, @MsR, @SusHag0907, @steveo9114, @beckyk86, @kazzzaxx, @gailychops, @lauralou3631, @pgded1, @Charley_Monks, @Wided, @spsteveo, @demiyoung, @samjanex, @jimmmyc, @Amrr, @rabt, @Mikey04,…
Hi, my name is steve1812!
Hi I'm steve just joined