Grenfell shocking findings and its impact on social tenants with disablities

MissMel Community member Posts: 32 Connected

Really upset with the findings especially that there were a large amount of tenants who died with disabilities and no provisions whatsoever had been made as to how to get them to evacuate to safety in the event of a fire.

This matter is very close to my heart because I have been attempting for over 10 years to have a disability officer employed in my own housing association as there currently is no named individual disabled residents can go to in order to request reasonable adjustments. My housing association hasn't even got in place a Public Sector Disability Duty Policy and Procedure.

I have raised many complaints with regard to this to so many outside agencies and in 2017 my housing associations where ordered by the housing ombudsman to put this in place. It didn't. I have complained to my council. Nothing.

Millions of council houses have been handed over to housing associations. Just like how hundreds of schools have been handed over to trusts especially MAT i.e. Multi Academy Trusts where support for students with disabilities has dwindled. Loads and loads of money has exchanged hands and the services have gone down hill. Will Labour be able to clean this up? I think they should be going after the money here and leave the blessed pensioners alone. I'm sure if they followed this path they would find enough money to fill up more than half a dozen of Reeve's billion pound black holes.

All that talk in the Grenfell report about the landlord and contractors caring more about profits is true of too many housing associations and schools.

Rant over!