Housing for single parent with a disability

Lesley60 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi can anyone help with how to get a house/flat. i currently live with my parents with my child and I am desparate to move into my own accommodation.


  • bam
    bam Online Community Member Posts: 326 Empowering
    I'm curious too but but I live in the United States
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi Lesley60,

    There are some options to consider but the best starting place is to contact your local council and ask for a housing options appointment. They will be able to talk through your options with you and let you know what routes into housing are available for you. 

    Each local authority will have an allocations policy so it would be a good idea to find out in advance what their policy is. If you want to tell me which council you come under I can look this up for you.

    Also could you tell me a bit more about your disability and how old your child is? If you don't want to share this information on here then feel free to get in touch with me at the helpline and we can go from there.

    Look forward to hearing from you :)

  • psony67
    psony67 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi, I am a single mum of one 14yr old boy and I have multiple sclerosis.
    A few years back I completed forms for council housing; but didn't get anywhere as I was in Band C.  Is there any other way of getting a place that I can stay in permanently as my condition is never going to get better; but get worse.  I am in rented accommodation at the moment; but I dread having to keep on moving around, it makes my MS worse.  Thank you in advance.  Sonia
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @psony67,

    Have you had a review since you completed the forms for the council?
    Since you applied, has there been a change in your condition and needs? Is your current property suitable for your needs? Have you had an Occupational Therapist's assessment to see if there are any aids or adaptations that can be provided to help you manage at home. If there aren't any suitable options, the OT can send a report to your local council with a recommendation for rehousing but this is by no means a quick process.

    Which part of the country are you living in and I'll look up your local council's housing allocations policy.

    There is also an accessible property provider called Habinteg and you can search for properties on their website and join waiting lists. This could also be something to explore.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Best wishes