Hi everyone am Fiona, .... needing friendship.

itsafeething Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
edited March 2018 in Coffee lounge
hi am looking for people that can relate to me with abused passed, children, fibromyalgia, weight loss needed , boarderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, sass, cronic fatigue syndrome, underactve thyroid 



  • MrsOrangetree
    MrsOrangetree Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I don't have any of those issues,  but we can all relate to life being a bit pants and needing someone who just understands.  It is nice to see people out there with happy sparkly, rewarding lives but ours just aren't and that kind of stinks doesn't it  :'(  I hope you find someone you can share with x
  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Aww thank you for your kind reply
  • Barbiesnemesis
    Barbiesnemesis Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering
    @itsafeething I can do abused past, fibromyalgia, weight loss needed, complex post traumatic stress disorder, and underactive thyroid :) Can I ask what sass is as its not something I've heard of before.
  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Sads .. seasonal disorder
  • Barbiesnemesis
    Barbiesnemesis Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering
    @itsafeething thanks for the reply. I don't think I have that one as I tend to be depressed for most of the year x
  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    edited March 2018
    I have manic depression, I hate when the doctor and mental health worker come up with what they want, cause I always end up with new tablets, or changing meds, that seasonal one you can have on top, of other illnesses , 
    for example. Weather... if it’s a dull day. Your mood will be down depressed, you stay in bed. if it’s sunny you feel good with in yourself, you might go for a shower. And maybe leave the house. X
  • Barbiesnemesis
    Barbiesnemesis Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering
    edited March 2018
    I have dysthymia which is a continual low mood and when the clinical depression hits really badly its horrendous as they are two separate disorders, one on top of the other. I've read your other posts and was wondering if some of how you feel is about how you were treated in the past, I know some of mine is. I grew up with lots of abuse and I think it has made me hate myself in every way I can think of. No need to share anything you don't want to of course - its a bit too public on here, but maybe something to think about. 
    Don't get me started on mental health workers - I've had to dig through so much **** to get to the ones who are any good; Still, I've only been under their care for 10 years! x
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @itsafeething Hope you OK Sorry about you circumstances and I read you post with interest.

    I hope I can understand and if you looking for some one to listen to.  Be a friend you have come to the right place.

    I come on here because I am lonely and having health issues that are not easy to deal with.  Mainly mental health and have a long term disability.  I have had abuse from family and also have a wealth of knowledge on food, herbs spices and other aspects of health solutions to combat my depression and anxiety.

    Found,  joy warmth friendship and useful information from my friends in the community.

    Hope you wish to keep in touch.  I am always here

    Take care