Cerebral Palsy Bloggers: World CP Day 2020

Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
edited October 2020 in Coffee lounge
As part of World Cerebral Palsy (CP) Day, I wanted to share the amazing advocacy work people with CP are doing on social media. Some of them are bloggers who love to campaign for change, some of them are youtubers who are documenting the life of a child with CP. Today I will be focusing on bloggers.

I know this isn't an exhaustive list, but here are a few notable people to get you started!

Open notebook pen and open laptop with a blank word document

CP Bloggers

Carrie-Ann Lightley

Carrie-Ann is one of the UK's leading accessibility travel bloggers. She shares accessibility reviews, disability travel guides and wheelchair travel tips. 
I love to travel, to the next town or somewhere far away.  I’m an organiser, a planner, and a list maker.  Researching new places to go is what I love to do, and it was part of my role as Information Service Manager at Tourism for All for 13 years.  In 2018 I started a new job, as Marketing Manager at AccessAble, the UK's leading provider of accessibility information.
You can find her blog here: www.carrieannlightley.com

Mum Making Lemonade

Mum Making Lemonade is written by Ruth. The blog has documented the experience of Elin, her daughter, who has Cerebral Palsy. 
I always aim to focus on the positives of raising Elin and we are definitely a 'glass half full' family, hence the blog title. After all, when life gives you lemons, there is really only one thing you can do......
You can find their blog here: www.mummakinglemonade.blogspot.com

Not so Terrible Palsy

Georgia Vine is a 20-year-old occupational therapy (OT) student who has cerebral palsy. Her blog, Not so Terrible Palsy aims to show her lived experiences, passion for OT and positive outlook on life.
I believe that the online community is a powerful place for disabled people to connect, share stories and provide a sense of belonging for those who do not have anyone around them in a similar situation.
You can read her blog here: www.notsoterriblepalsy.com

The CP Diary

For 46 years, Ilana Estelle was unaware she was living with cerebral palsy. Her blog is the journey of her discovery which has led to her writing a book. Ilana writes almost daily as well as blog posts around health and wellbeing
Having completed the book now, I understand my disability and myself so much better. Writing the book has been a cathartic experience, it has brought me understanding where I had none.
You can read more at: www.thecpdiary.com/blog

We are all disabled

We are all disabled is written by Lucy Reynolds. She's a public speaker, academic researcher and advocate for disability rights. She might be new to the blogging scene, but her content is so powerful!

However, like most disabled people I experience prejudice and marginalisation from ‘normal’ society. 

I am passionate about changing perceptions of disability through sharing the insights and knowledge I have gained from my PhD research and first-hand through my own experiences. 

You can find her blog here: www.we-are-all-disabled.squarespace.com

Love that Max

Ellen has documented the life of her son Max. He was diagnosed with CP as a baby, and is currently high school defying all the odds. There are so many heartwarming pieces that show a family navigating the world of disability.
First came love (Dave), then marriage, then three kids (Max, Sabrina and Ben). Max has cerebral palsy. I launched Love That Max in October 2008 as an inspirational, informational, occasionally irreverent blog. Over the years, it's evolved to help people better see the ability in disability.
You can find their blog here: www.lovethatmax.com

The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante

Zachary Fenell is a force to be reckoned with! As an established blogger, author and public speaker, he is has created a platform to share his experiences. His mission is to educate and dispel cerebral palsy misconceptions in a fun, engaging way.
My motive to make a positive difference in others’ lives extends back to my own personal experiences. Long before embracing my spastic hemiplegic CP diagnosis and becoming The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante, I displayed a different attitude and demeanour. I allowed CP to negatively impact my self-esteem, leaving me quite shy. 
You can find his blog here: www.zacharyfenell.com

Chloe Tear

Does she sound familiar? I've written a blog for 7 years and aside from the online community, it's probably what I spend most of my time doing.  :D

I write about my own experiences of Cerebral Palsy, as well as chronic pain and being partially sighted due to visual cortex disorder. I am particularly interested in writing about disability attitudes and the stereotypes I may be faced on a daily basis.

My blog strives to share what it is like to be a disabled young person navigating the world of education, employment and life in general!

You can read more here: www.chloetear.co.uk

I don't know about you, but I love seeing other people who are using social media for good. Not everyone has to share their story, but I'm glad these people have. 

Which CP bloggers would you add? Do you find it helpful to hear their experiences? Let us know in the comment below!
