Christmas Avatars
Sorry if too soon Just wondering if anyone is planning on changing their avatar for a "Christmassy" one. :) Mine below
Discharge fro Hospital to Home
I have been discharged from Hospital after a Hip Replacement and on the day of discharge ,i had a fall and fractured my femer ,so back to bed . i stayed there for 5 days on bedrest until I was operated on with Pins and plates ,recovered and stayed for 9 days ,when i was discharged home there was all sorts of comunications…
Bringing back the 12 Days of Debates!
Last Christmas, we brought you the 12 Days of Debates. All festive themed to get people in the mood for Christmas and for us to learn more about members likes, dislikes and opinions. I wanted to share all the debates from last year, in case any of our newer members would like to comment. * Is Die Hard a Christmas film? *…
Poem called Leaves in the breeze
Poem called in leaves in the breeze The leaves blowing in the breeze and the cold wind that cuts into the skin of my face. As I drive my electric wheelchair at a steady pace through my local park with grey coloured gease were walking around on the grass with beautiful grace and poise this a sight to behold in my mind
Be whatever you want to be,these song words resonate with me so much.
Why not try to see things from a different angle? Your life is a sham 'til you can shout out I am what I amI am what I am and what I am needs no excuses I deal my own deck, sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces It's one life and there's no return and no deposit One life so it's time to open up your closet Life's not…
Do you remember...?
As we get older, we start thinking back to things we used to love (or indeed hated) as a kid. So I thought it would be a fun little trip down memory lane if we turned it into a game. So name something from your past that holds strong memories for you, then the next person say if they loved or hated them. Then they choose…
Hi all
What made you smile today?
I just opened a new packet of coffee beans. I really like doing that, I always have to have a good smell inside after opening. What made you smile today?
The all new gaming thread. What are you playing?
As there's a fair few gamers lurking in this community, I thought it'd be nice to give us all somewhere to chat about what we're playing, things we're looking forward to and heck, maybe even help each other out on bits we're stuck on. :) I think this year has been amazing for gamers, we've been spoiled with such greats as…
Poem called endless smiles
Poem called endless smiles Endless smiles brings happiness to my face and warmth to my heart being apart of an amazing online community like scope. We are all so gorgeous in our individual ways as fill each other with hope and encouragement to be wonderful stars that we are so blessed to have met all my virtual friends who…
My tribute poem for Terry Venables
My tribute poem to Terry Venables Terry Venables was an amazing football player and manager in the footballing community who will be missed by all of those who knew him. Tears running down my face and cheeks as read on the news of your passing and I would to pay my condolences to his family and friends at this difficult…
What do you think about Children in Need?
Children in Need was on the BBC last night, raising over £33 million so far for different causes. But some people, especially amongst the disability community, find it problematic for various reasons. One argument is that the government should be helping disabled and disadvantaged children and they shouldn't have to ask…
Christmas traditions
As the weather is getting colder and the evenings are creeping in quicker, our minds often suddenly focus on the holiday season and Christmas. In my family, we have always had the tradition of opening a small gift on Christmas eve. This has gone on since I was knee high to a grasshopper, as a way of stopping a very…
Poem called cold spell
Poem called cold spell we are in the midst of a cold spell. When we need to put our warm clothes on. As we try to avoid putting our central heating on because of the rising costs of our gas bills rising for everyone and electricity bills rising too. No idea of where some of us are going afford to feed ourselves while we…
Poem My Christmas Tree. (in the attic)
Well here it is hope you enjoy. My Christmas
Tree. (in the Attic) Well I’ve tried my
luck, the tree is up It took a while
you see, I had so many bags to find, that one that had
the tree. Its not just pull
it out the box And place it on a
stand There just seem to
be things not here And just not to
hand In a bag there…
Favourite Christmas Adverts
All the big shops have now released their Christmas Adverts for this year. We've got Michael Buble popping up for ASDA, celebrities trashing their least favourite traditions for M&S, and John Lewis with a giant snappy plant to name just a few. What are your favourites from this year? Are there any adverts from previous…
What are your comfort TV shows?
I don't know about you, but I love settling down to watch a TV show I find comforting, especially in the winter. What are your favourite comfort TV shows? I'll start with one of mine: Peep Show
Poem grey miserable day
Poem called grey miserable day The grey led coloured skies fine rain falling a cold wind blows this shows us that winter is here. We need to keep ourselves warm by making a warm drink of tea or coffee. I hope my poem will bring joy and warmth to those who read my poem
Government plans
From what I can see this we are going to cut benefits after 18 months is only true of people found fit for work and refused to do a six month work placement, they are changing the wca on mobility part only not social engagement or toilet incontinence as previously stated? Have I about summed it up correctly?
Hope all are well ...
A bit of an enforced hiatus and I hope everyone is keeping as good as possible and are able to keep warm in this chilly weather A silly accident caused a lot of drama, stitches and a matching finger amputation on my right to go with the thumb and index on the left ... bought a mini circular saw as the larger size was too…