Safeguarding: What to do if you are concerned about someone

Admin_Scope Posts: 34 Scope online community team
edited October 16 in Community noticeboard

Keeping our members safe

At Scope, keeping our online community members safe is our top priority. This guide will help you understand what a safeguarding concern is and what to do if you're worried about someone.

What is a safeguarding concern?

In our online community, we can't see body language or hear tone of voice. We only have written text to go by. Because of this, we treat every concern seriously until we know the person is safe.

A safeguarding concern is when someone may be experiencing abuse or is at risk of harm. Here are some examples of the types of abuse and harm we might consider a safeguarding concern:

Physical abuse

  • Hitting, slapping, or kicking
  • Burning or scalding
  • Being hit with objects

Domestic abuse

  • Abuse by a partner or family member, which can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial, or psychological

Sexual abuse

  • Rape, attempted rape, or other forms of sexual assault
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Any sexual activity without consent
  • Sexual exploitation, forced pornography, or witnessing sexual acts
  • Sexual harassment

Psychological or emotional abuse

  • Enforced social isolation
  • Preventing someone from meeting their religious and cultural needs
  • Preventing the expression of choice and opinion
  • Not respecting privacy
  • Preventing meaningful activities or stimulation
  • Intimidation, harassment, threats, or bullying

Financial abuse

  • Theft of money or possessions
  • Fraud or scamming
  • Preventing someone from accessing their own money
  • Misusing someone's finances if in a position of authority or power

Modern slavery

  • Human trafficking
  • Forced labour
  • Domestic servitude
  • Sexual exploitation, such as escort work, prostitution, or pornography

Discriminatory abuse

  • Mistreatment due to age, disability, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation
  • Verbal or physical abuse
  • Denying access to communication aids
  • Harassment
  • Denying access to basic rights like healthcare, education, or employment

Organisational or Institutional abuse

  • Authoritarian management or regime
  • Disrespectful attitudes towards those accessing a service
  • Lack of respect for dignity and privacy
  • Inadequate care, such as not providing food, drink, or medication
  • Not responding to complaints or allegations of abuse properly


  • Not maintaining personal hygiene
  • Not eating or drinking properly
  • Letting rubbish pile up, not cleaning or maintaining a home
  • Not taking medication or accessing required healthcare
  • Refusing to attend necessary appointments

Neglect or acts of omission

  • Ignoring or not providing a person's basic needs
  • Withholding food, drink, or access to heating
  • Preventing someone from accessing necessary care and support

Mental health issues

  • Struggling to manage or cope with mental health
  • Not receiving or accessing support
  • Being refused support or refusing to get support
  • Mental health affecting the ability to perform basic self-care
  • Difficulty caring for a child or vulnerable adult due to mental health issues

Suicidal thoughts

  • Expressing thoughts of suicide
  • Talking about plans to commit suicide
  • Disclosing a previous suicide attempt

How to Report Concerns

If you see something that worries you, you can report it directly on our online community. Here’s how:

1. Go to the bottom of the comment you want to report.

2. Click "Flag" and then "Report".

3. In the Report Discussion window, enter why you’re concerned in the "Reason" field.

4. Click "Send Report".

A member of our online community team will review your report and follow our safeguarding procedures to make sure the person is safe.

Note: we will acknowledge receipt of your concern where possible, but we cannot guarantee updates on the progress or outcome.

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