Green Paper Discussion (from 24th March, 2025)
Last week, the Government published a Green Paper and a consultation about changes to disability benefits. The Pathways to Work Green Paper includes proposed changes to: Universal Credit (UC) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) We have a comprehensive guide to what the proposed…
Get your MP to act against cuts
Hi everyone 🙂 It's Tori from Scope's campaigns team here. I think it's fair to say that the last few weeks have been pretty bleak. We saw widespread news coverage last weekend about potential Government proposals to cut disability benefits. I know this is worrying for many of you. MPs from all parties need to understand…
National Puppy Day - let's see your pictures!
National Puppy Day It's National Puppy Day! It may be an unofficial day, but to me it feels like a very important one to celebrate especially as things have been a bit tough lately. The day was invented to celebrate the joy of puppies and encourage people to adopt and rescue pups all over the world. It's definitely worth…
Distractions from today's news, what's everybody doing today?
I thought I would start a thread in response to this horrible day for us to be together in solidarity without having to talk directly about what's going on. I think we all deserve to treat ourselves today, what will everyone do? I'm going to go on my favourite dog walk and stop by my favourite bakery on the way home for…
Expanding the Warm Home Discount Scheme 2025 to 2026 - consultation closes 11:59pm TONIGHT!!
Open consultation Expanding the Warm Home Discount Scheme, 2025 to 2026 From :Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Published 25 February 2025 Get emails about this page Applies to England, Scotland and Wales Summary We are seeking views on extending the Warm Home Discount scheme 2025 to 2026 to all recipients of…
Just wanted to share a bit of love and support today with this post. 💛
I really appreciate for a lot of us, right now it's really challenging. It's lovely to see everybody pulling together and supporting one another. This really is an amazing community. As somebody who struggles sometimes with their emotional health, I wanted to re-share the link to this post. Emotional Wellness Week! 💜 -…
Scopes reaction to the green paper.
Today, the Government announced plans for the biggest cuts to disability benefits on record. These plans will be catastrophic for disabled people. Leaving us unable to afford the essentials, and to cover the extra costs of disability. Nearly half of families living in poverty already include someone who is disabled. We…
Responding to the Government's Green Paper
This week, the Government published a Green Paper and a consultation about changes to disability benefits. First things first, it is important to know that Green Papers do not set out final decisions. They are a way for the Government to explore options and get people’s views before developing the final changes. The…
The Cost of Cuts
Right now, the government is considering changes to disability benefits. But for millions of disabled people, these benefits are a lifeline. They are the difference between surviving and being pushed deeper into poverty. Life costs a lot more when you’re disabled. Needing more financial support is not a choice. Disabled…
is this being affected as well if I’m already on it? Will I need to score 4 points in one category like on pip?
Dwp uc bank statements/closed banks
hello, Hope you all doing well :) I recently read about uc asking people to send 4 months bank statements and other information . It’s not a big issue, but what about the closed bank accounts? If let’s say i closed my bank account 5 months ago and they ask me to send 4 months worth of bank statements will they ask to…
Can I work if I am in lcwra? Will it effect my lcwra?
HI Can anyone please tell me if i am in lcwra can i work if i can work how many hours i can work and will it effect my lcwra ?
How is your day going?
A cold start to the day brr, how's your day going? I'm longing for a coffee but got a sleeping cat draped over me, pinching my body heat.
No mental help
Hi I made an appointment for a recurring hospital appointment I need to start going to for my scans and injections but can't go because I've got OCD, when I started seeing somebody from the mental team last year, I made an appointment at the hospital thinking I would be better enough to go, but nothing changed the…
Hi, my name is ShazDiamond26!
Hi it's Shaz Thanks for having me in your community
re universal credit " review"
Hi, I'm in the LCWRA group of universal credit and have been for 6 years. Today I received a notification in my journal to upload my last 4 months bank statements and photo id. Is this standard and has anyone else been through this. I understand the checks for new claims but has anyone had this for existing ones? The…
hello everyone my name is Amina last week on 17/2/2025 i sign up in scope i introduce
myself and i was talking about my life who i am then recent topic discussion was about british disabled people on benefit [DWP] and [PIP] ETC labour government wants british disabled people send them to work. physically disabled wheelchair bound past 30 years and now the living cost gone expensive food and bills the whole…
Help with housing
Hey I've lived in my council home since 2010 we are currently classed as over crowded with there being 5 people in a two bed I'm currently on the 9th floor and due to my lung disease,leg issues so on I have been unable to leave my home with confidence my issue being that although I can walk I can walk only sort distance…
Hi, my name is UptheKakistocracy25!
Hi there, When the rich take from the poor and disadvantaged it's called buissness or political legislation, but when the poor take from the rich it's called 'crime.' Just 8 of the world's richest men own more wealth than half of the world's poorest populations combined! 2024The richest 1 percent have…
Universal Credit Review Or a Invasion of My Privacy
I received notification that I need to provide bank statements for Universal Credit Review. I have no issue providing the income payment of my wages for which they know already from my employer but why do they need to see itemised payments. I really feel this is a invasion of my privacy. Any feedback would be greatly…
Video Magnifiers
Hi There, I have the Bierley MPD-12 video desktop magnifier which I notice has started to malfunction.I understand the company do a USB version of the same thing for either Windows or Mac and I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a similar and cheaper product available on the market,to purchase?This is an example of…
Need to resign as my health is worsening
How long until I can just relax please?
Ib/cb ESA support group migrating to uc/ns-esa. Completed online form a few days ago. Have a face to face id verification appointment next week. Once that is done, will that be it? Can I then relax and let the claim run itself without being bothered. It's been causing me a lot of stress, I just want this to go back to how…
Hi, my name is han1272! Hopefully someone can give me some advice! In 2024, because my PIP award ...
Hi, Hopefully someone can give me some advice! In 2024, because my PIP award hadn’t been completed, I received a letter saying my award had been extended to 22 March 2025. I have heard nothing from DWP, no letter to say my review has been completed. Will I still receive my current PIP payment until I hear from DWP?? Hope…
Alphabetical flower game
I'll start withAster
Where can I get help with furniture, essentials, and financial support after losing my PIP?
Hi everyone I have just moved into a property I am over 50 and have nothing in the place I have no bed no furniture nothing I am on a low income have had my pip taken from me and just get 344 a month I've tried everything looking for free stuff but it's all collection I can't do this. I suffer with back and joint pain…
The person below me
Make a guess about the next poster, the next poster responds to your guess answering if it's true or false and then makes their own guess about the next poster. For example: Poster 1- The poster below me hates cheese Poster 2- False, I love it and eat it every day! The person below me likes dancing
New to scope
Thank you for adding me to scope
Mental health
One mental health worker I visited told me I have EUPD . I was also given medication to help anxiety too .
Tell us some boring news.
There's intrigue in the mundane and so today we're asking you to share: what is something boring you've done lately? Emptied the kitchen bin? Run out of teabags? Bought a clothes airer? Cleaned the oven? Tell us. I'll go: I walked to the shop to post a parcel, but I'd accidentally deleted the digital label they needed to…
Hi, my name is gramps2023!
hi can anybody give me advice I have had a pip appeal and won my case but now still waiting for my award letter to be corrected by the judge at hmcts it’s now gone on for four months and all I get from them is it’s with the judge I’m at the end of my tether with these people with the same answer can any body who is going…
Poem called Fight
We are incredibly strong together as one tower of strength. We are not going to stop fighting for people's rights for all people with all disabilities are knights. Who are the terrific shining lights in our rights? Our fight against our government is needed to protect the benefits all people with disabilities as one of our…
work - Disability
Hi all, i'm struggling to find an answer to my question, so I just thought I would try asking you kind people. So basically, I have recently become disabled. Briefly explaining, this is ataxia - a neurological condition characterized by loss of fine motor control - and as such I struggle with walking (day to day, i use a…
Benefit stops & Spending an inheritence
Hi my name is shelleypt I'm currently in receipt of ESA contribution PIP housing & council tax benefits. I'm due to receive an inheritance I understand I will lose housing & council benefit until this money reaches (£16000 tapered) £6000, is this correct? What am I able to spend the money on so I do not fall foul of any…
1st fit note no mandatory 14 days switch off commitments
I am extremely stressed and confused. On Tuesday I declared a health condition that does not affect my ability to work and then had a commitments review by phone a few hours later and agreed to commitments After I had the phone call I was contacted by my doctor due to my health issues and they said they would be issuing me…
Song snake
since we are on the theme of songs I thought we could play a game of song snake where you name a song with the last letter of the song above. For example if the song was called Expresso the next song would start with the letter O someone can start I don't mind
Finding an advocate when you don't have the right type of disability
Can anyone advise me on how I might go about finding an advocate who could attend doctors and hospital appointments with me and fight for my rights within the medical system? I have speech disorders which have prevented me from accessing proper medical care my whole life. I've contacted every official advocacy agency I can…
My son is going to try something new and always wanted to
My 16 year old son is going to try something new and always wanted to do this, doing drag. A drag queen came to visit and was looking for a volunteer that wanted to learn, came up and seen he decided to do it. I was cool about it right away and this drag queen got to meet me asking about my son. Told them I have been…
Song Association
We all love word association, so how about a bit of song association? I'll start us off with a song, then the next person replies with a song using any word from the title of mine. For example, if I picked the song "Why does it always rain on me?" by Travis, the next person could pick "Somewhere over the rainbow" by Judy…