Using the community: guides and key information

Admin_Scope Posts: 34 Scope online community team
edited October 16 in Community noticeboard

Whether you're new or just looking for more information, you can find essential guides and resources on how to use Scope's online community. We've grouped them below to make it easy for you to find exactly what you need:

1. Getting Started

If you're new to the community, this is the best place to begin.

2. Guides for Using the Platform

Find the right guide for the device you're using to access the community.

  • Mobile Guide
    Step-by-step instructions for using our platform on your phone or tablet.
  • Desktop Guide
    A guide for navigating and making the most of the platform on your computer.

3. Help and Support

Find out how to tell us if you've seen something you want to contact us about.

4. About Our Community

Learn more about who we are and what we stand for.

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