Query. Could high levels of stress and anxiety cause a significant deterioratation in one's mobility
Hi All, I have just discovered this website which is very helpful. I'm from Ireland and my brother has cp. He's in his late 40's and has lived an independent life although with many accidents throughout the years due to his cp. I don't know the type of cp he has but from looking on this we site it seems to be ataxic. He…
Ageing and cerebral palsy
Hello I’ve just joined this community and I’m hoping to discuss ageing and Cerebral Palsy. As an adult I feel support and information for people with Cerebral Palsy as they get older is lacking. I’ve noticed a lot of changes such as more memory loss, increased pain, being unable to do tasks as well as I’ve got older.…
Cp and behaviour
Hi this is not something I'm used to doing I have a 10 year old daughter with left sided cp global development delay autism adhd. Lately I feel like I've hit a brick wall with behaviour. She's so angry all the time. Doesn't care how her words can affect other people has no empathy for anything. Constantly being rude and…
Tube feed questions and face touching upset girl
By Nelli BirdBBC News How would you feel if the first question many strangers asked was "what's wrong with you?" or "what's that on your face?" That is the reality for 11-year-old Imogen from Caldicot, Monmouthshire, who said she has had enough after people started touching her face. Imogen has cerebral palsy and has been…
Hi, my name is CPDadScott!
Hi everyone! First time of being on any forum so feel a bit nervous. My daughter has left sided CP following Herpes Simplex Encephalitis when a baby. She is now 15 and finding school life and growing up pretty tough. It seems that these years see the largest gap between her and her peers at mainstream high school. She has…
Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy An opportunity to come together with other parents to discuss how to best support each other and those new to a CP diagnosis. Mon 6th February 10am – 11.30am, Zoom Please complete the referral form at: scope.org.uk/parents-connect
How do families with a child with Cerebral Palsy experience diagnosis and the first five years
in Counselling Psychology The British
Psychological Society St Andrews
House 48 Princess
a child with Cerebral Palsy…
Spasticity Management in Adults with CP with Dr Val Stevenson
The National Bobath Centre You don't want to miss this one! We're excited as this will be presented by Dr Stevenson, renowned neurologist and Clinical director for Neurorehabilitation. She will speak on the use of Baclofen for people with Cerebral Palsy and take questions after her presentation.This virtual event. The…
Hi, I'm LFC1! Worried about the long term future of son with CP.
My husband and I are in our 70s with a son with CP in his 30s living with us. We are worried about the future, our health and ability to care for him, what he will do if he outlives us, making a will. Any help please?
Mild cerebral palsy
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy when I was three but didn't find out till I was in my late 20s that I had it. Always knew though that something wasn't right with me. Fast forward to now I have had pain when walking now for a year and a half so I was referred for a ct scan. The results show that three…
L'Oréal made a handheld, motorized device that helps disabled people apply lipstick
[A disabled woman of colour applying lipstick using The Hapta lipstick applicator] The Hapta lipstick applicator uses technology developed in part by Liftware, a startup that created a utensil for people with limited hand and arm mobility. L’Oréal* The makeup giant L'Oréal announced a handheld, computerized lipstick…
Leg exercise recommendations for 5yo daughter?
My 5 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It seems a mild form but want to do everything I can to stop it getting worse. Can anyone recommend and exercises for the legs suitable for children?
CP treatment in adults
I was wondering what treatments people have had for adult CP I have spastic CP in my legs it effects my right leg more than my left leg more so my calf and quads I experience pain daily and have trouble walking most days I’m having a neurology appointment soon I used to have leg splints as a child and night splints aswell…
New Year Or Just Another Day?
Many people struggle with depression, and for some, it peaks on New Year’s Eve. Those with existing depression are particularly vulnerable to the mental health challenges of this night & expectations of the new year. The start of the new year does not have to be stressful, sad, or lonely. A few changes and new traditions…
Full wrist fusion
Hello Dear friends I'm now and looking for advice and any tips you can give me on wrist fusion surgery also if you can claim any benefits all the help I can get would be very helpful.
Sheffield CP Football Sessions Adults and Juniors
Adults Kicking off in January 2023 at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park S9 3TL, for adults aged 16 or older. The sessions are to be held on Saturdays between 10 and 11 am on: January 14th, 21st, 28th February 11th, 18th, 25th March 4th, 11th,18th, 25th April 1st, 15th, 22nd May 13th, 20th 27th The cost to attend is £1.50 per…
Counsellors with Cerebral Palsy
We offer short and long-term counselling for people with Cerebral Palsy with a counsellor (male or female) who has Cerebral Palsy. Support with NHS funded, self-pay & you can start very quickly with self-pay before switching to NHS funding when it comes in. Online Video/Telephone sessions & assistive sessions for people…
Hello everyone I’m new here i have CP and have grown up living with it having gone through school , highschool and sixth form then into Adult life each time experiencing Bullying from people all saying mean things about the way I walk and the splints I used to wear . When I was 11 I stopped wearing splints and was never…
The National Cerebral Palsy Football league are recruiting committee members
The National Cerebral Palsy Football league are recruiting committee members. The National CP League is the only FA-sanctioned cerebral palsy-specific league, providing regular fixtures and cup competitions. The CP League provides the official pathway to the FA Disability Cup. We are proud to be an England Football…
Cerebral Palsy Football Coaches Workforce Project
CP Sport is looking to recruit adults aged 16+ with cerebral palsy to develop a workforce to support the growth of CP and Frame Football. As part of the project, volunteers will be supported by the National CP Football Development Officer and connected with their nearest local club/opportunity. For anyone interested aged…