Boots / AFO’s / SAFO / Insoles ?

Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
edited June 2014 in Cerebral Palsy Network

I'm 29 years old and have always had issues getting my piedro boots to last very long. My walking is much easier when my boots are new and straight, but after about 4 weeks use they are twisted and do not offer as much support which makes walking even more painful.

Over the years I have used to AFO's fixed, hinged irons, moditfied boots,

Like most of you I can not over emphise the impotance the wearing the corrrect footware - and I've been having some success with Gell orthotic insoles, but still put most of my weight to the outside of my feet, (very large amount of hard skin and deformaties as a result)

Was wondering if anyone had found more durable footware? Or has any success with SAFO's? or any other suggestions?

Thinking of booking myself an appointment with or as they claim to have greater equimpement than the NHS!



  • leg_iron
    leg_iron Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I have a probelm with footware because of my spastic diplegia. I now only wear berghaus gortex walking boots as they are comfortable and last me about 2 years and i can fit in orthotic insoles in them. I also in the past worn British army hi leg assult boots which did give me lots of support. I was told by an orthotist that the berghaus boots i was wearing at them time were much better than the orthopaedic footware he could get me. So ive stuck with them.