Finding Carers for University
Hi, I'm Fran I have triplegic CP and am going to university in September 2020, hopefully an hour away from home. I will need help showering, dressing and likely cooking. I’ve researched different care agencies but am feeling very overwhelmed and abandoned by my council. Any care agency recommendations from fellow disabled…
exam-ready breakfasts
As quite a few of you have exams in January, I thought this article would be timely. Studies have shown how
important a good breakfast is for exams but you need to be careful to eat the
right type of breakfast. The two main things to remember is to eat
high protein foods such as yogurt, milk and eggs and…
I receive pip for mental health, ive been advised that a counselling course at college can help unlock ptsd symptoms, 1 day a week, is this allowed?
My childrens book raising awareness of invisible illnesses and mental health issues.
Rodney Meadow-Hopper tells the story in gentle rhyme about a hare who seems grumpy and doesn't want to play. The truth is that Rodney has a hidden illness and he is too frightened to tell his friends. My story encourages children to be honest about what they are feeling and hopefully be able to express themselves from a…
What AT (Assistive Technology) do you use for studies?
With a HI I found full-time study nearly impossible. Attending lectures meant nothing to me. I was thrilled when I started studying with Open University and all of the video resources had subtitles. My partner is dyslexic and uses Dragon for her part-time Masters. Do you study (part or full-time) and if so do you use AT?
How would I get an EP?
Hello i wanted to no how I would get a EP To test my son, he is having a hard time to concentrate in school and he has ADHD.
SEN/ EHCP examples help?
It's been over month since we got our sons diagnosis of mild spastic diplegia cp. Having given his pre school (s) the diagnosis letter we now want to get together to form a SEN/EHCP for him. I've had a look online and at the suggested links from Scopes page but I'm still struggling to think of things we may need to include…
Students and 'New Style' ESA, PIP and UC + Disability Premiums
Hi, Firstly, an apology, I have tried several times to read and make sense of all available posts, GOV websites etc and am still having a headache over all of this. So I am sorry if it's going over old ground. I have just been awarded Enhanced Daily Living PIP and have been advised that ESA is the route to go down for…
Interesting court case regarding disabled university students
http://communitycare.doughtystreet.co.uk/post/102epfy/strasbourg-case-disabled-student-excluded-from-university-education Good afternoon people and hope you are well. I thought I would share this good news with you, and this court case will have set an example for future disabled students who have been discriminated…
Fitness to practice
Hello, *URGENT* I am currently on nursing and I have been told I'm not fit to practise unless the university can provide reasonable adjustments. However the physician wouldn't provide any so I may be kicked off the course. Can anyone help me think of reasonable adjustments for placement?
Thinking about going back into education......
So been thinking for a while now that I'd like to finish my BA in Graphic Design and then do a Masters. I currently have an FDA in Graphic design I didn't go on to get a BA at the time due to pressure from my family and telling me I needed to get a job / Also my health conditions stopped me from pursuing things further.…
Student loan payments
Hi, I am studying part time with the open university, I receive ESA and PIP due to mental illness, I am worried about paying back my student loans, as although I am deeply hoping to be able to get back into work, sadly I am worried that I wont be be stable enough to work. Everything that I have read online says that I…
getting occupational therapy
Hi, there. I am currently a special educational teacher in Korea. I would like to know how Children with SEN can get services and support such as occupational therapy and physical therapy in the UK. Do they have an occupational therapist who resides at their school? Or do they request an occupational therapist to the local…
Help with EHCP appeal - going crazy
My daughter age 9 is diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, extreme anxiety and stomach migraines associated to anxiety and stress. She has been out of school since Februaury 19 due to severe anxiety from the previous school telling her I will go to prison and loose my job if she doesnt behave, needless to say that traumatized her. She…
Are you a disabled student considering a university education?
Disability Rights UK have invited our disabled student advisor @melaniethorley to provide a webinar
on the STAART initiative. In this webinar Dr. Melanie Thorley from the University of
Greenwich will talk about STAART (Support Through *AccessAbility–Retention and
Transition) for prospective and current disabled students.…
Athetoid CP Maths GCSE advice required please
Hello I'm very new but looking for advice. My son has Athetoid CP speech and gross and fine motor skills effected but worse on his right. If anyone knows the tv show Emmerdale he's similar to Charity's son Ryan. He is currently working toward 10 GCSEs and is expected to do very well in all. His school has been a failing…
I would like to go back to study but have issues
I have bpd and autism possibly but would like to go back to college in future to do travel or something as i only did a pointless course in the past which had no future career progression opportunities. I have had maximum student finance though years ago so would i be entitled to adult learning grant or anything to pay for…
I am looking for a training course
I am a support worker for LD adults. I work with several individuals with Cerebral Palsy. I am looking for training courses to help me
Basic reading and writing courses
Hello everyone can somebody please give me some advice on free courses basic reading and writing I need to improve for my own personal development can somebody'll be email address our telephone number I live in Greenwich thank you so much
learn disability improvement
Hello everyone,I have question regarding learn disability and add. There is possible improve those disability by training, medicins, therapy etc? I have been taken piracetam for 8 months and training my brain for 3 months but sometimes I doubt wheter I'll achieve this ever. I wounder how other peoples with same problem are…