Creating an Accessible Wetroom in my Garage / Disabled Facilities Grant /
Hello … My Dad is 98 and has unfortunately become blind; he also has problems with mobility. I am therefore thinking of creating an Accessible Wetroom / bathroom for him to use downstairs in our garage. Now, I have seen that there is UK Law setting a minimum size for a Wetroom in a commercial building or business premises…
Advice needed on electric wheelchair/mobility scooter please
I'd like to speak to people who use an electric wheelchair or a mobility scooter. I'm considering buying one and would be grateful for any advice what to pay attention to when choosing a model. I have severe fatigue. I'm OK walking a few metres inside my home, but need someone to push me in a wheelchair outside. I thought…
How will having a Morgage on a 2nd property affect my benifits
Hello I am hoping someone can help me. Myself and my husband and children currently live in a property that’s ours paid for completely I am on Esa , uc , pip I have mobility and care problems due to MS. But I want to be able to get a Morgage to buy my grandparents house as they are at the age where they have to pay back…
Dependant allowance
Hi I live in a 5 bed housing association house I have 6 children and my partner living here Rent is £247 a week We claim tax credits & working tax credits I do not work and claim PIP with high care and low mobility Partner works and earns £1012 after tax a month 3 of my children are non dependant and work 2 of my children…
Housing Benefit Help
Hey guys, just wanted some advise about my hosing benefit, I'm not not to clued up with state of affairs with benefits relating housing benefits I find it very difficult to understand so I left it to the local council to deal plus I was dealing with depression and at very low point in life, so im not sure if I should be…
Looking for wheelchair, scooters or other equipment?
Hi everyone I’m @Spoonie_Naila. I was diagnosed five years ago with a rare long term auto immune condition called Vasculitis. Amongst other things it’s affected my mobility a great deal. The last few years have been tough trying to navigate the world with a different body that I’ve been used to, an as many people will…
Brother In law
My husband, his brother is in the hospital and the doctor says could be two days to live he had a massive heart attack. i am disabled and I am waiting for results of my second MRI. Since last April over a year ago no one knows why I can’t walk, bend, do anything without severe back pain, my husband had to give up his job…
Housing Benefit and ESA
Hi would a change or loss to my housing benefit claim trigger a move onto universal credit from ESA? Thanks
Housing Benefit Question
Hi i have a few questions about housing benefit someone could possibly help me with i get UC and PIP right now, single male 1. my understanding is that if i get PIP daily Living (which i do) then i'm entitled to the 1 bedroom rate instead of the shared accommodation is this correct? 2. if so whats happens when my PIP goes…
Scooter options
I had a lead acid powered mobility scooter for a couple of years a few years ago but the battery died due to not being constantly on charge (the wife has a fire phobia and we can't leave things on charge 24/7!) I am looking for a lithium powered scooter - would I be correct in thinking that a lithium battery does not need…
Hi, my name is shirley71!
This has literally just happened to me, it was a secluded max four car lay-by kind of car park which didn’t have any pay station, upon receiving the letter my partner returned to check their signage. Apparently the only way to pay was to go online on your phone. Which had run out of charge, so I couldn’t if I’d wanted to.…
Hi, my name is docupton! My experience with my Green power scooter
I saw some comments about Green power and thought I would add mine. My scooter broke down the last week of April, I contacted Green power to organise repairs, I'm still waiting, it's now almost the end of May and all they keep saying is 'its been scheduled or, we are busy' . Being confined to my own property is very…
Seeking some advice regarding a house move for my daughter
I would like to seek some advice regarding a house move for my daughter who is disabled and living entirely on benefits, as parents we loaned my daughter to allow her to buy a property which completed 2 months ago we have now agreed the sale of her original home and will be completing in 5 weeks time. To avoid the DWP…
Mobility adjustment for a pcp car. Can I get a hoist for my scooter fitted?
Good morning, I only have standard mobility and living components for PIP and need a car as i can’t walk far. I have a mobility scooter and I can only afford a car on PCP. My question is can I get a hoist for my scooter fitted or is there another option for me out there like a company who sells or do PCP for people like…
Weighted blanket
I have got cerebral Palsy and I have involuntary movements and I have recently brought a weighted blanket and it is really helping my involuntary movements just thought that I would let you know
Does anyone know where I can rent/buy a drop arm chair?
Just wondered if anyone in the community knows where I can rent/buy a drop arm chair. I will need it when discharged from hospital but looking at Amazon there is 5 week lead time. I live in London.
Planning Ahead for Possible Inability To Work
Hi there, My story is a bit unusual, so please bear with me. I'm suffering from what is now extreme pain and a host of other symptoms that I have been carrying for the last 3.5 years. While I'm in the process of being tested and there are some issues in the bloods, I'm yet to go fully through the MSK triage process, which…
Suffer with Mental Illness, made worse by housing situation
Hi there, I am in desperate need for advice, regarding my housing situation. I am 28 years old, I am a software engineer, living in Brent (London), working in Acton (London). I enjoy my job, but the housing situation is interfering with my wellbeing, and my life overall. I got medically diagnosed with ADHD in 2019, which…
Need help ASAP
How much more can 1 person take? was incubated and life support ECMO bleed to brain mobility issues asthma brittle asthma migraines tinnitus sensitive hearing PTSD Anxiety Since moving into a property that i thought would help make my life easier has turned into nightmare for 2 years The council have just made a joke out…
Moving Furniture And Other Items When Having New Carpets Fitted
Hi, I was wondering what other peoples solutions have been when needing to move furniture and other items if having new carpets fitted? It is something I would like to have done but I have various items of furniture that would need to be moved, in addition to TV, hifi equipment etc. Thanks.