Struggling to cope
I'm in my early sixties and have post-traumatic arthritis of the ankle, along with a number of chronic health and mental health conditions, including BPD. I'm worried about my mobility and deteriorating mental health. My nephew has been helping me but will be moving abroad shortly. Other family don't want to know, despite…
Hello 😊
Hi everyone, I have attended some scope online events previously and I’m active in other online communities so I thought I would take the time to introduce myself here. My name is Kirsty . I am 38 and have spastic deplegic Cererbral Palsy. My hobbies include reading and eating food 😂. I love music too. I have worked as a…
I'm new here and thought I would say a big HELLO to everyone. Hope this finds you all well.Im struggling a bit at the moment having just moved house and live on my own while I struggle with Fibromyalgia and M.E. (Myalgic Encephalitis) which i have had for many years now.
Hi, my name is dispentpleer!
hello everybody! im here to ask some questions)
Moved: Worried about future, diagnosed with degenerative disc disease
This discussion has been moved.
Hi, my name is Digull!
Hi everyone,I'm new here,I have cervical Dystonia
Hi, my name is Gaz1209!
Good afternoon everyone just joined as I've got to migrate to universal credit soon and looking for information
Hi, my name is Bush64!
my [removed by moderator] and I lost my original PIP award letter I need the copy for Blue Pass( train) and parking card , without the letter they are not accepting my National Disability Pass. Really appreciate to send me the new letter as soon as possible. Appreciated Many thanks [Removed by moderator]
Hi, my name is sugarLoaf86! 86yr old with ongoing Osteoarthritis - interested in discussion
Hi,decided to enter the fray as am 86yr old with ongoing Osteoarthritis a d will short be in need of a mobility aid so really interested in discussion about this problem with battles to come
Hi, my name is sheba0209!
Hi, my name is ryanns!
Hi, my name is gilleye!
Awaiting backdated pip payment
Hi I've been awarded a backdated payment from pip, had the dwp call me on the 17th December saying I'll have it in 7-10 working days and now it's the 10th working day taking away the bank holidays and haven't received the payment at all.
Hi, my name is GDSMMac!
Hello there i,m [personal information removed by moderator] an Ex Queens guardsman turned private military contractor (mercenary) who in 2005 while out on my 1st deployment to Iraq i was involved in an explosion whilst driving into the town of Tikrit going to pick up one of the lads vehicles that had gone in for repair as…
Hello,I thought I'd say hello to the group,I'm Mary 42 a lightworker endometriosis warrior,happy New year 2025 🎉🥂 everyone I love meeting great people I'm from northwest area love my Asian TV,culture,clothes,great TV creating, exercises I need to get back into, cute things for my bedroom love ASMR relaxing vids like…
I gave in my 1st sick note on 31st July My assessment period is 8th to the 9th I had my assessment on the 4th December and was informed on the 31st December that I am on lwcra. Would someone please give me an idea of when I might get my 1st payment and also if there is any back pay.
🎉 Welcome to Our Newest Members! 🎉
We're thrilled to welcome @shannyy1994, @mally73, @syedabu, @nemesis57, @Jake59Hello, @sanctuary, @Aaronp2024, @Migueljom, @snowgirl56, @smartbutcasual1980, @Suey67_19, @daisy24, @BarneyB, @sarahk1771, @darren1785, @Brigi0613, @JenThea, @declanjohnwilks1994, @chisburton, @johncee68, @tyler25, @ADHDworking, @didiflury,…
Hi, my name is carlp!
Hi everyone new here I hope everyone had a nice new year
Hello my name is Nte
I’m new and don’t have many hobbies. Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year
Hi, my name is Bosh!
I'm looking for a contractor to design and fit a wheelchair accessible kitchen in the southeast UK.