Hi, my name is craig1974!
Hi everyone, new here. I've recently lost my wife and now i feel like im stood in the middle of a mine field,I was getting carers allowance for her. My wife was the main claimant for the old style esa and she claimed for me as her husband. She was disabled. I am also disabled. I tried to make a claim for new style esa and…
Hi, I’m Cheryl from Buckinghamshire. I am autistic, chronic daily migraines and I’m type 2 diabetic. I used to have very severe ME for about 30 years but am now virtually recovered. I love reading, writing, gerbils, walking.
Hi, my name is Millie1926!
I hope everyone is OK and hope to get some guidance and help
Hi, just want to see how this works!
New to this as friend suggested give it a try. I'm mid 50s and house bound but can go out with help as need someone to push my wheel chair. Winter time is probably the worst time as dark, cold and damp and think it affects most people. I always keep positive and try and make the most of a difficult situation but feel I…
Hi I am Wanner.
Just joined, helped others with a number of problems in the past. One of these was depression, which I never thought could happen to me. I had a health problem and was unable to work in what I loved doing. Then did not know what to do. Now unable to work due To COPD and one other thing that I will never suffer from,…
Hi, my name is susanchadwick65!
Hi i have had LS for about 28yrs now and i was told i would be on steroid cream for life. Im sure using steroid cream has worstened my condition over the years as now my skin has thickened in places, almost leatherlike, but in other areas blisters and splits. It itches like mad when i am warm in bed which frequently…
Hi, I'm nianydee!
Moved: Hi, my name is disabilitywarks!
This discussion has been moved.
Hi, my name is AndrePettersson!
Hi everybody
Hi, my name is Haikomi123!
Joined as I have long covid and it’s not getting better. Im trying to adapt and guess this is a good place to post. Hello everybody
Wernicke encephalopathy
Hi, my name is Felicity and i am 44 years old i am basically just looking to chat with other people who have some sort of disabilities my family and friends will listen when i want to talk but they can't understand how it feels
Hi, my name is Sandracas!
Hi All, This is my first time. I have been receiving DLA for a few years. My circumstances have changed and my conditions have worsened. I informed DLA in Aug and they sent me a PIP form. I have received a text that says I have been awarded PIP. I see that DLA is not back dated. However, will the PIP award be back dated to…
Hi, my name is Smiffy48!
Hi guys im just looking for support and help finding the right benefit also find likeminded people who just want to connect.x
Hi, my name is Robert
Struggling badly with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in my feet and ankles. Walking with two hiking poles but not sure how long I can carry on with that until I will need a walker/scooter. NHS not interested and Blus Badge turned down
New here, hello :)
Hi, my name is class55, I suffer from Anti Social Personality Disorder, and was diagnosed in 1993. I am 68 years of age, thank you for allowing me to join the group.
Hi, my name is Dan!
Hello all, I'm a 40 yo male wheelchair user. I've just joined and was curious to join a likeminded community
Hi, my name is Micksue5254!
It is nice to be here and welcome to you all
Hi, my name is Busybee22!
Hi I am deaf blind with other disabilities with a busy day to day independent life good evening
Hi, my name is sue15!
Hi Everyone I'm new on here. I would appreciate some help. Earlier this year I was awarded Lcwra but due to staying at home it started to have an impact on my mental health. I was very lucky to find a little job in a care home but unfortunately it hasn't turned out to be as suitable as I thought and has actually made me…
Hi, my name is Susanna63!
I was diagnosed 4 years ago with LS l have been using cortisone for treatment l still have chronic flare ups which can be debilitating that it stops me from going to work