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Wanting to get back into work- worried about how to end benefits claims

Rosabug Community member Posts: 6 Listener
Hi, this is my first post
I've been out of work for over 15 years now (I'm 35) since the birth of my child. For a lot of that time, I was claiming DLA, but was switched over to PIP and UC with LCWRA about 5 years ago. My difficulties are mental health related, and as it turns out, were seriously exacerbated by being in a situation I am no longer in. Because I'm out of the situation which was making my mental health so much worse, and I'm coping so much better, I've started volunteering and want to get a real job.

One problem is, I don't actually know exactly what the LCWRA was awarded for, and don't actually have any clear memory of whether I was actually assessed for it. My memories from that entire time are very fuzzy. My ex partner exclusively handled the online UC claim, and I only gained the ability to log in myself last year when I got away.

I've been coping even better than I expected to with the volunteering and I want to end my dependence on benefits as quickly as possible by finding work and ending my claims, but I worry that UC and the DWP may be suspicious of my sudden recovery, even though to those with experience of mental health problems it's obvious why I would be doing so much better now that I'm no longer with my abusive ex (who was invested for various reasons in keeping me as ill as possible).

So my questions are:
How best to go about informing the DWP and ending my PIP claim without potentially causing problems; like for example being asked to pay back some of what I've received? Would it be acceptable to wait until I actually secure a job (and confirm that I can cope with it) or might that cause problems?

How can I find out what exactly the LCWRA was awarded for (I mean, I assume it's the same mental health issues as the PIP, but as I say, I have no memory of it being awarded) and how do I stop that part of the claim? If this is removed, and it turns out I can't actually cope with work, would this mean that I would end up back on UC with a lot less money and having to prove that I'm doing a certain number of hours a week jobhunting? There is absolutely no way I could deal with going through the 'claim-appeal-appeal again-beg' etc process again, it was dreadful both times, and I really do hope that I find I can cope with work, I just want to know what I'm in for if not.

If you've read all that, thank you so much for taking the time, I know it's a lot.


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,740 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello there @Rosabug and a warm welcome to our online community, it's lovely to virtually meet you. How are you doing today?

    It's great that you are enjoying volunteering and would like to get into work. Unfortunately benefits aren't my speciality, but I'm sure our knowledgeable members will fill you in on the ins and outs of the questions you ask. Importantly, I'd strongly urge you not to stop any benefits claims without first getting advice from a welfare representative who can go into more detail about your personal situation. You can find someone close to you for free via the Advice Local website.

    I also wanted to mention that I've just sent you an email. It's nothing to worry about but please do read and reply when you have chance  :)  

    Wishing you all the best with getting into employment. And check out Scope's employment services to see if we can be of support with finding the perfect job for you.
    Online Community Co-ordinator

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  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,887 Disability Gamechanger
    You do not need to end/report a change to PIP unless you have a significant change of circumstance (I cannot stress that enough), working is no different and you don’t need to report that either. At review they may end your PIP then but you might, for whatever reason, have to give up work again so it’d be a little silly to just end your claim.

    For UC it’s very simple, do a change of circumstance and report you working, LCWRA is not affected either. You have a work allowance of £344 if you get help with housing or £573 if you don’t, this means you can earn up to this amount without any deductions and after this the deductions are taken off your payment at 55p per £1 earned. Again, at review they may re-assess your entitlement to LCW/LCWRA but at present these are suspended. 

    With the cost of living, every penny counts.
  • Rosabug
    Rosabug Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you for your replies.  I will seek advice via the link that Cher posted before taking any rash actions.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,983 Disability Gamechanger
    Have you managed to seek advice yet @Rosabug and, if so, how has this gone for you? Please don't hesitate to let us know if you want to talk this through further or if there's anything else we can do to support you  :)
    Community Volunteer Adviser with professional knowledge of education, special educational needs and disabilities and EHCP's. Pronouns: She/her. 

    Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Community Co-Production Group, Scope Member Posts: 11,128 Disability Gamechanger
    I'm also worried about how my benefits will effect me when I get a job.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,230 Disability Gamechanger
    I'm also worried about how my benefits will effect me when I get a job.
    It will depend what benefits exactly you’re claiming. PIP isn’t affected.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Community Co-Production Group, Scope Member Posts: 11,128 Disability Gamechanger
    Oh that's great to know 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,230 Disability Gamechanger
    Oh that's great to know 

    Do you claim any other benefits? if so which ones?
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
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