DWP confirms it is increasing the automatic extension period of existing PIP awards awaiting review
The DWP has confirmed that with effect from 6 September 2022 it is increasing the automatic extension period of existing PIP awards awaiting review from 3 months to up to 12 months and will do this 35 days before their end date. It is said that the longer extension period will "provide greater certainty for claimants" and…
DWP PIP videos
These may help some (4 videos) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - An overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0zNOyxtF94&list=PLeysxjNpEPy8Y73-Ywm7OeAGjFc1Xc-It&index=1&pp=iAQB Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - How you can claim PIP…
DLA Information for Parents and Carers
This information only applies to England and Wales. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) helps with the extra costs of raising a disabled child. You can claim DLA for each disabled child under 16 who.. • has difficulty with mobility • needs more care than a non-disabled child of the same age Your child does not need a formal…
Read me: How do I claim PIP and where can I get help filling the form in?
How do
I claim PIP? The initial claim is made by calling 0800 917
2222. You need your National Insurance Number, your bank details, and your GP
and other medical professionals’ contact details to hand. Someone can call on
your behalf, but you need to be with them when they call. A claim form is then sent out to you, and…
Read me: What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and who is eligible?
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit
designed to help with the extra costs resulting from disability or long-term
ill health. PIP rates range from £21.80 to £139.75 per week, depending on how
your condition affects you. To quote from the official government website, “you
must have a long-term condition or…
Hi, my name is han1272! Hopefully someone can give me some advice! In 2024, because my PIP award ...
Hi, Hopefully someone can give me some advice! In 2024, because my PIP award hadn’t been completed, I received a letter saying my award had been extended to 22 March 2025. I have heard nothing from DWP, no letter to say my review has been completed. Will I still receive my current PIP payment until I hear from DWP?? Hope…
Pip - second time applying
hi all I submitted my first claim for PIP 3 years ago and was turned down at a paper based tribunal. I have erosive inflammatory OA in every finger on both hands. Last November it moved to both wrists and in February I had surgery. I decided to then apply for PIP again aa my condition is worsening m and I had a letter back…
I can't believe this!
I have set up an alternative format with the DWP which means I now communicate with them via email re my PIP form. I asked for an extension and they granted it until the 10 May. Last Monday (17 March!) I got an email saying my PIP is being stopped because I didn't get my form in on time! I rang them and they apologised for…
Hi, my name is Scooby123! What is going to happen if you are in receipt of lctwra but not pip...
What is going to happen if you are in receipt of lctwra but not pip, I just needed the acknowledgement of the health conditions I have and why I genuinely can't work, I had a major brain operation when I was 18 to remove a tumour from my frontal lobe and part of the frontal lobe causing damage I have suffered from…
I need advice
Hello I hope you are Al keeping well Please advise me i get pip for mobility and dailing living none are enhanced both are standard I have multiple health conditions lupus(sle),athritis, fibromyalgia and when I called to ask for a mandatory reconsideration they said I will still get my award and it’s still being reviewed I…
Pip change law
Had a letter about change in law how it may affect you with social support to mix with other people face to face . When I had assessment I was awarded 0 points for mixing with other people. Which I no wasent right but didn't challenge it because to stressful so was awarded lowest rate daily living. That was in 2019. Then…
Child DLA renewal
Hello, We get DLA for my child which is due to be renewed in Oct this year. Is this straightforward process? I heard online somewhere that it is just a light touch when revering child DLA claims. My older child in receipt of PIP, I am appointee for both of them just worried that at the time for child DLA renewal it won’t…
Conflicted about PIP
The recent news regarding PIP has been very distressing to me, I somehow have both a learning disability and difficulties. My issues mostly lie in managing money, I got into debt with the Council several times for missed payments. Communicating with new people so I usually work in a small shop stockroom. Also some meal…
Won my child DLA tribunal
For the first time in February 2022 I applied for child DLA for my son DLA rejected my DLA claim form then rejected my claim again at the DLA MR stage, so I went to tribunal where a Judge, Doctor, Disability Person, and a DWP representative was present, it was a frightening and anxious experience but I am glad I have won…
Pip tribunal appeal granted, understanding next phase
So an error of law meant the first tier tribunal decision has just been set aside, they did grant me more points (and more money) from that original tribunal decision but they errored by not also granting me the correct point for higher mobility. I appealed and a letter has just stated a fresh tribunal will hear the matter…
I just understand it
PIP claim 2nd time with new conditions
Hi I have a thread on here from a previous claim which went up to tribunal but I wasn't successful. I still suffer from my eye conditions, gout and other issues but at the time the DWP and tribunal said they were not enough for a PIP award. I still disagree but anyway the judge said she doesn't believe me. Recently i've…
Pip change in law letter
Hi can anyone advise me, I received a letter from dwp regarding a change in law for pip social support. Asking me to contact them if I thought I may be affected. Awarded the standard daily living component and the higher mobility component in September 23. I rang them and they asked me what date was on the letter I told…
PIP decision and points
Hi, Received pip decision (3 weeks after telephone assessment) Awarded standard rate (which is the same as before) and is fine. But there are a few parts where I think should have received points but didn't. It won't be enough points for the enhanced rate, but I just don't know whether I need to do anything about the…
Awarded PIP but.. please help as my mental health is bad
Hey everyone Sorry for the long winded post that's about to follow but it's causing me a lot of stress so. I applied for PIP in September 2024, I then had an assessment which I asked to be recored following the assessment I asked for a copy of the recording and the assessment report which I received before a PIP decision…
PIP MM review decision I believe is wrong
Hi I just received a letter from DWP saying they reviewed my PIP award from 2019 and said it wasn't affected. I didn't even know about this but looking at the tribunal I think their review is wrong. I was awarded 2 points for engaging with others under 'prompting'. My application was filled out by my mental health support…
PIP appointee for son and mobility when we already have a car on finance
Hello looking for some advice please. My 16 year old son has just been awarded enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility of PIP and I am his appointee. I don’t drive but my husband does and the car is used to get my husband to and from work, shopping and appointments. Our current car is on finance which was taken out…
Information request
Hi all I have been awarded daily care standard rate but declined the mobility side. Since then, i have just had a full left knee replacement. I will be off work for at least 3 months & could be 12 months before its proper settled. Within that 12 months i will be having my right knee replacement. My mobility walking is…
Pip Ending in 2025
Hi I was born with Cerebral Palsy affecting mobility and speech. I was awarded PIP enhanced rate in 2016. My mobility got worse since then and I need more physical support since I turned 20 years. My PIP award will end in 2026. Now, I have a careplan, learning contract from university and happy to get other medical letters…
PIP - Decision based on assumption
Has anyone had a decision based on an assumption which has led to getting lower points? I have very limited control over my left hand, only use my right.. thank god I was born right handed! After my initial face 2 face assessment the decision has came back and in the "My decision" part they have advised that yes my right…