Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

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Studying on benefits, advice needed!

Ahmed24633 Community member Posts: 3 Listener


  • Ahmed24633
    Ahmed24633 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    I'm new on this form, I'm brain aneurysm unruptured brain haemorrhage, patient since 2011. I'm suffering with worse headache, depression weak body muscle specialist my shoulder and back lower part of the body.
    I getting UC and PIP on LCWRA. I want advice if I want to learn some skill with help of student finance then my UC and LCWRA will affect. This course no longer than 10 hrs a week. I will take student finance for only tuition fee and travel cost because i couldnt afford travel cost and fee, actually I'm a lone mother of 2, they are 15 and 13 secondary school going. They are very busy in their study, they don't have time to spent with me, I'm going in depression and deep stress so I want to do something for my mental health, after the course I want to job less than 16 hrs in a week.
    If UC and other elements will be stop then we can't survive.

    Please give me right advice.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello the @Ahmed24633 and welcome, thank you for your query. To help everyone share their thoughts, I've just edited the title of your post, and moved it over into our benefits and financial support category. 

    I know that as PIP is not means tested, so that will not be affected by any studying you do.

    Scope has plenty of information on how student finance affects your benefits, including universal credit.

    If you'd like, you can also call or email the Scope Helpline to run through everything with one of our advisers. 
     I'm going in depression and deep stress so I want to do something for my mental health, after the course I want to job less than 16 hrs in a week.
    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with your mental health right now, is the course you're looking to do something to help with that, or would you like to find some extra support?

    The mental health charity Mind has great guidance on self care for depression and for managing stress and building resilience. If you can, I'd encourage you to speak to your GP about how you're feeling, and ask about better support for your wellbeing. 

    Let us know if we can help with anything further, and we'll do what we can to help :)  
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  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,405 Disability Gamechanger
    Student loan fees are ignored for UC. If there's a maintenance loan available to you then it will affect your UC, regardless of whether you take that loan or not.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • Ahmed24633
    Ahmed24633 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks both of you
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