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Pip nightmare.

Breacon Community member Posts: 101 Courageous
Hi all, 

Thank you for your help & support, I have read the descriptors/actives, until I am cross eyed, it still doesn't make any sense to me.

I really do feel, there should be so much more help/support in the completion of the pip forms, I can fully explain verbally, how my condition affects me, but write it down in the way pip wants, is beyond me.

I really do feel, that if you are able to complete the form with full understanding, you will be successful with a pip claim.

However my concern is, how many people are rejected, due to not filling in the form as it needs to be, or have a full understanding of what is required. I'm guessing the rejected claims will be quite high, which I don't feel should be the case, simply because the form does not express fully there condition.

I have learned a lot from Scope & the info I have received, however, I feel I need assistance to complete the form correctly which describes my daily living activities & effects fully, something which is beyond me, & I suspect a lot of other people.

As for the pip Assesors, they don't ask appropriate questions relating to your condition & effects, I feel there main role, is purely to be able to refuse applications.

I feel there should be far more help & support available for people to complete the forms.

By this I mean, trained medical people who know how to complete these forms.
It is very easy, for those that understand & know how to do it, to say you don't need to pay someone to help you.

My advice would be, yes pay someone that understands fully what is needed, your far more likely, to be successful, 

Not intended to course any offence to anyone.

Many thanks.


  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    I would also add that the DWP should ensure that their reception staff are well trained and able to advise on what benefits and other financial  help is available.
    In my case when I started to claim benefits I had no idea what was available and what forms were needed to be completed. There was no help from charities as they had long waiting lists to see people. It was a case of spending hours on the web looking for what was available.
    Also because I was in hospital and years of recovery following there was no help in trying to keep what benefits I had been awarded going. Everything just stopped. It was only years later that I found out that the DWP were wrong and because I had not appealed against their decisions until years later I lost £1,000's. For one benefit alone the total was over £20,000!!  
  • Breacon
    Breacon Community member Posts: 101 Courageous
    Hi two old Godgers,
    That's a very sad situation to be in, as you call yourself Godmersham, I'm assuming your a mature person, like me, We don't stand a chance, with this benefit system, I'm technically challenged to boot.
    It's a disgrace, that you are unable to recoup your benefit losses, how on earth, people in hospitals etc, should have to fight on & be worried about their benefits getting stopped, its soooo appalling, I personally haven't had a good ride through the system, & my heart goes out to anyone with mental health issues, having to negotiate our benefit system, which frankly, in my opinion is not fit for purpose, I keep reading these shocking stories, unfortunately DW
    P seem to be untouchable, when it comes to errors, they really should be held accountable.
    I'm very pleased I found this site, I have learned so much, & you certainly receive prompt advice, which is excellent, thank goodness it exists, for disabled people.
    I do hope you are receiving everything you are entitled too now, your experience, must have been soul destroying, I feel there should be something in place, where by, people like you, can take DWP to court to receive what you were entitled too. 
    There's sooooo many people with complaints & Errors, it's very concerning....
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