Impact of Cost of Living Crisis on People with Cerebral Palsy 2023 — Scope | Disability forum
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Impact of Cost of Living Crisis on People with Cerebral Palsy 2023

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,657 Scope online community team

Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis

on People with Cerebral Palsy 2023

Deadline 13th November 2023

If you’ve already completed our survey, thank you very much indeed!  Action is urgently needed from the Government to support those living with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.


We’ve extended the deadline for our survey to November 13th so that as many people as possible can participate.  If you either have cerebral palsy or are a parent or carer of a person with cerebral palsy, please take part in this important opportunity to have your say.  If you know someone living with cerebral palsy, please share it with them.


The Bobath Centre will use the results from this survey to support our campaigning work. This survey is anonymous and your data will not be shared with anyone outside the Bobath team.

Thank you!


Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

'Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.

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