Pips 'mandatory reconsideration notice'

shazzirvine7180 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener
hi guys

can I ask has anyone ever had success with asking for the dwp to reconsider their decision. Ie going down the 'mandatory reconsider notice' route?

thanks for the help


  • maggie54
    maggie54 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    My husband never had any luck they put him down to standard 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I understand that it is rare for a DWP mandatory reconsideration decision maker to change the decision of the first decision maker.  DWP like to make it as hard as possible for claimants to get the PIP rates to which they are entitled.  However, over 60% of appeals to a tribunal are successful.  But before you can appeal to a tribunal, you have to ask DWP for a mandatory reconsideration first.
  • shazzirvine7180
    shazzirvine7180 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener
    Thank you so much for your replies. My husband got his decision this morning along with the report from the capita accessor. His pip payment award is the same low rate as his dla even though since then he has suffered a heart attack and the aneurism in his head has grown. Then when I read the report from capita all I can say is it is total lies. It's like reading an assessment about someone totally different. Both my husband and I are so so annoyed over this. More so about the lies in the report than the award 
  • jorrow
    jorrow Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    i have just gone to tribinal but could only make a paper case because i cant go places i dont know after 2 strokes,unfortunately help is very difficult to get because the government have stopp all the charities funding....if you feel your case is strong enough request mandatory re consideration then go to the tribunal hope this helps