Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

Hi, my name is Leplady!

Leplady Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi, I'm the mum of a 19 year old with dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscslculia. He has just been rejected for an EHCP Assessment because his college haven't done enough to help him over the past 2 years (he had a SEN Statement at school). Also he's trying to learn to drive and has just been told for the 3rd time he needs to learn in an automatic but nobody seems to want to teach him. Also we're trying to find him a part time job but nobody seems to want to give him a chance. Feeling very fed up at the moment and could use some empathy. My husband and I have very different ideas on helping him and we've been trying to help him since he was first diagnosed aged 5. Generally we work through each day at a time but some days I really doubt that I've been any help to him at all. Its so hard for Jake having invisible disabilities where there is very little understanding out there. 
Hoping for a friendly ear or two or even just a place to sound off a bit without feeling like I'm moaning or looking for sympathy. 


  • bam
    bam Community member Posts: 326 Pioneering
    Hello @leplady hello and welcome to the community. It's All About Love here. You should check out the category list and find some things that might have some relation to your problem. off the categories page is also a benefit adviser you can ask for advice or suggestions. I'm really sorry your son is having a tough time. It also sounds like you and your husband are having a tough time too. I really hope things get better for you soon
  • Les
    Les Community member Posts: 41 Courageous
    Hi @leplady Welcome on board. I can empathise with you, as I have similar issues with my Autistic daughter. It's very hard and sometimes, you feel like you are hitting your head against a brick wall. It's also very upsetting to know that nobody seems to want to help. The nice thing about being on here, is there are lots of people with similar issues and willing to share and help. I am currently trying to get supported living for my daughter and it seems like it doesn't exist. I am also trying to find suitable work for my daughter. We have our ups and downs just like you, and it can and does get very depressing. However, we never give up. Each day, we roll our sleeves up and start again, refusing to be beaten.
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