PIP Mobility Criteria

wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
Hi, Can anyone help please. I got my MR result today and not only has the Decision Maker used the new criteria that only came into force yesterday for the 2nd mobility activity but she's decided activity f. which clearly states needing someone with you on an UNFAMILIAR journey also includes familiar journeys. In fact if you so much as step outside your door on your own you will be considered as able to plan and go on an unfamiliar journey alone and that's every day or the majority of days. I know a lot of you are affected by this and it's needs clarifying. So Question 1: I claimed PIP last December so shouldn't they be using the old rules? I read that somewhere but now can't find it online.  Question 2: Does anyone know about ICE (Independent Claims Examiner) at DWP. Can I complain to them about the MR? 


  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering

    They are extremely unreasonable because whether journeys are unfamiliar or not, any symptoms can fluctuate and be unexpected particularly as traumas are a trigger, I.e set backs 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    wildlife - you might want to re-post in the 'Ask a benefits advisor' category.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Thanks Janice and Matilda. I've reposted this as suggested. Surely if a descriptor clearly says unfamiliar then that's what they should go by, not change it at whim. This is affecting a lot of people who are losing their cars and their independence.
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    As from 16th March it's even harder for those suffering from mental illnesses to be awarded PIP. 
    PIP is based on minimum ability to stand & walk. 
    Depression can cause  minimum ability to stand and walk so how can mental health be excluded? 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    edited March 2017
    It's not just from 16th March they're using the new rules on people who claimed long before that, anyone who is still in the process of claiming. I'm trying to find out if they're supposed to be using the old criteria for claims before 16th March. Anyone know? 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    I rang the DWP and the advisor told me they're supposed to still use the old rules for Mobility if your claim was made before 16th March. I've booked a call back from a Decision Maker in 2 days time to give me time to prepare. Yes, you can do that. I've got lots of questions but really don't know what to expect. Will update after the call.