Craig and mum

10_Coopers Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Worked all Craigs Life except for early years he has ataxic cerebal palsy he is 28 now and life has changed brothers have left home only me and him feel so selfish my life has gone 


  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hi @10_Coopers Welcome don't punish yourself as this is a part of life when the old saying goes "leaving the nest". You have done what any loving mum should do, putting your children first and even now grown up you have done your duty and still are in a different way. Life as not gone but memories of the good times, You have not said if you can communicate as this is a phone call or email away. If you need to talk further Scope have a free phone 0808 800 3333 if you scroll down the bottom you have a chat line and other topics that will help you in many ways take care and be strong. 
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,282 Pioneering
    Hi @10_Coopers

    Welcome to the community, I hope you find it useful.

    Would love to know more. Why do you feel selfish? Are you still working or do you care for Craig? Perhaps it would be worth exploring ways he could live independently if that's what you both want?