Supported accommodation

CarolBradley Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Our daughter is 21yrs of age, functioning about your average 17 year old. She has emotional & mental health needs which seem to become more complex the older she gets.  She has been placed, at her will having tried University at her will, but that didnt work out, due to her MH in a local shared property but they have declared they cannot meet her needs. She can be quite capable in some ways when not in the midst of an attachment episode (which is one of the areas that she needs therapy with). Her care pathway has taken so long to fruition that not having any real therapy & structure is having an even more detrimental effect on her well being. Where can we get/find suitable supported accommodation for her - we live in Greater Manchester close to Lancashire border. Thank you


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @CarolBradley welcome to the community.

    @Debbie_Scope do you have any advice?
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @CarolBradley ,

    Welcome to the community.

    I've had a look to see what's available in the Manchester area. There is 
    Great Places and Creative Support which are worth checking out.
    There is also Richmond Fellowship which has services in Greater Manchester too.
    Adactus Housing Group has supported living services also.

    It sounds as though the therapy she's waiting for is going to be a fundamental part of the journey. How long has she been waiting for therapy? Is she any closer to get the therapy she needs?

    I have a daughter of a similar age and she's been on the waiting list for therapy for 43 weeks now and this was an urgent referral. She's had to postpone her ambition of university and becoming a teacher. The waiting times have been really detrimental on her already fragile health. It's difficult to move forward when so much is depending on the the therapy.

    I hope this information has helped and I wish you all the best. 

    Best wishes