Home visit

samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
hi I've got a home visit July 10th ,I never asked for this it was on my letter ,I'm very nervous could anybody tell me the dos and donts when having a home visit ,any tips would be much appreciated.


  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    They will observe everything you do. So, if you get up to answer the door whilst claiming you can't walk, that will go against you. As do stupid things like picking up your handbag, apparently.

    Oh, and if you use social media, you can socialise. They used that against me, despite me saying that when I've tried to socialise in real life, I've walked out because the noise hurts. But because I can hear, I've got no problems at all.
  • samparrot123
    samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Thank you 
  • twang5
    twang5 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Listener
    Can u tell me how long you waited to get your home visit from the time you sent your forms back. I sent mine 8 weeks ago and have not heard anything. Thanks 
  • samparrot123
    samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
    I waited from the 10th Feb,in the end my daughter rang them ?
  • twang5
    twang5 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Listener
    Thank you 
  • Justice
    Justice Online Community Member Posts: 194 Empowering
    Hi everyone. My Husband has not yet been called for PIP assessment, he is still on his DLA. we live in dread of this dropping through the letterbox , and are on pins every time the post comes. Parkinson's UK say they will help when the form finally arrives, which is great, and because he has a progressive, degenerative disease they are going to try for him not to have a face to face assessment( Not holding our breath on that though). Reading here about home visits has put me in a right tizzy though. I do not want these awful people in my home. Can we insist if they want a face to face that he goes in to the assessment centre? 
  • Justice
    Justice Online Community Member Posts: 194 Empowering
    Ps Hubby says if they insist then he will be assessed on a chair in the garage, lol. I don't want them in the house
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    Justice said:
    Hi everyone. My Husband has not yet been called for PIP assessment, he is still on his DLA. we live in dread of this dropping through the letterbox , and are on pins every time the post comes. Parkinson's UK say they will help when the form finally arrives, which is great, and because he has a progressive, degenerative disease they are going to try for him not to have a face to face assessment( Not holding our breath on that though). Reading here about home visits has put me in a right tizzy though. I do not want these awful people in my home. Can we insist if they want a face to face that he goes in to the assessment centre? 
    You'll get more answers if you start your own thread.