Taking supporting evidence to pip medical ?

ocdman Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected
Hello again,

I'm just continuing my prep for my pip medical next week and im a bit confused . When reading the notes on the handbook they sent , it says they don't want to see evidence that's already been sent but on the internet advice sites they say not to assume the examiner will have seen what ive already sent. I know I can take my form that I sent the DWP and refer to it to help me explain my problems ( I got great advice here ) but is it also ok to take along scan reports and hospital reports to show the atos  examiner  at the medical ?  

Thanks David


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @ocdman, I understand your confusion. Basically the ideal scenario is to send in all the evidence you have with your claim form to DWP who then are supposed to forward it all (I was told they do by an advisor) to ATOS/CAPITA to be used by your assessor.The assessor is supposed to read it all before doing their report but the reality is they don't. If you have new evidence and your assessment is next week you haven't really got time to send it to DWP so taking is with you at least gets it into the system. It will be sent to DWP with your assessor's report but there's no guarantee your assessor will use it. I have heard of assessors who refuse to accept evidence on the day so you could check with the assessment co. first. Keep a record of everything you do. everyone you speak to and make sure this evidence is used at some point even if you have to do a Mandatory Reconsideration. Hope that helps..   
  • ocdman
    ocdman Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected
    Thanks wildlife,  I have already sent it to the DWP,it was just to be extra sure covering all things etc , I think what I will do is take it along anyway, I heard about the assessors refusing evidence as well, at least if I take it along I've tried.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @ocdman, Just be aware even the way you're carrying it or if you put it down and pick it up. It will all be noted as having no upper body mobility problems. Hope you get on OK...
  • samparrot123
    samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
    On my f2f home visit I told her that I kept a diary ,she said oh that's handy and she never even asked to look at it ,also she was told that I couldn't dress or shower myself ,she asked me to cross my arms in front of her and that was it.
  • jackiewackie
    jackiewackie Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    The assessor we had. Read my son's latsst hospital report which we received after admitting the forms and took it away with him as I didn't have a Copy and will be sending it back to me in the post.

    To me this must be a good thing as when we did the forms I had no reports from physios doctors and ot's etc 
  • ocdman
    ocdman Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected
    Its in the lap of the gods now. thanks everybody for the posts .
  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Good luck, @ocdman - do keep us posted!