Assessment for pips

annfee123 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
My partner attended a pip assessment recently they asked him did he fill the form in himself and he thought they meant did you sign it yourself so he said he did .I had already explained to them on the form that I was his carer and I filled his form in and read it to him and he signed it will this go against him as he could never concentrate to fill that form thanks .


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @annfee123 You can ring the DWP to get a copy of your partner's assessment report. Then you will know if what you are concerned about was mentioned on there. 
  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @annfee123,

    I've moved this post into our Ask a Benefits Advisor category, where @BenefitsTrainingCo may be able to advise further.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi annfee. The person who carries out the PIP assessment will write a report which is then sent to the DWP decision maker (or 'case manager' as they're sometimes called), and the decision is made on the basis of all the available evidence. As you have already said on the form that you filled it in, read it to your husband and he then signed it, then I would hope that this would outweigh any inaccurate inference that the PIP assessor may have made about your husband's abilities and level of concentration. However, if you are feeling anxious about it, then I think the best option would be to write a short letter to the PIP Claiming Unit and also to the ATOS or CAPITA assessment provider explaining what has happened and that you / your husband are writing to prevent any incorrect assumptions about your husband's abilities causing an incorrect decision to be made. Restate in that letter why you had to fill in the form on his behalf, and stress that your husband fully understood what he was signing but that he would never have been able to fill out the form himself. Keep a copy of your letters, and send them by the 'signed for' tracked option, so that you know when they have been received. This might seem a bit over the top, but I can tell it is worrying you and it would be a shame if the claim did fail for this reason. Better safe than sorry, etc!
    I hope this helps.
