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Record your medical

Amandawilliams62 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
on seeing medical report written by health professional after my esa medical. If I knew she was a story teller I would have got my medical recorded. So if anyone is attending one in the future 'GET IT RECORDED ' it's your right. And that stops the jackanory. ( story tellers) (liars). 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,726 Disability Gamechanger
    Just to point out that you do need permission to have an assessment recorded. If you dont then and you get caught, you risk having your assessment stopped and your file returned to DWP, where you'll be refused that benefit.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    ESA will record your assessment on their equipment if you request it

    PIP you have to get permission and provide the equipment to record two copiies simultaniously on either CD or Cassette. You can use two relatively cheap cassette recorders. One copy has to be given to the assessor

    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Pioneering

    Good advice, and helpful points from CR and Poppy. 

    Maximus policy on recording is here (for ESA). They will provide equipment, but they do need notice. 

    Atos policy is in their FAQs here. As CR says, for PIP, you'll need your own equipment.

    Capita policy is here.

    As CR says, for PIP, you need equipment which will produce 2 identical recordings. 

    You need to notify the assessment provider in advance too.

    The Benefits Training Co:

  • mm234mail
    mm234mail Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Id have to agree, record your interview my partner medical was manipulated by ESA medical assessor and they even went on to say that my partner was on the phone whilst waiting to be seen, total lies, as her mobilephone was in for repair and didn’t have it that day, after it was proved the assessor was caught out lying, she still didn’t get into any trouble and our complaint was ignored by both DWP and assessors, oh and Poppy you obviously like comment on everybody’s comment negatively I see. You sure dont work for the DWP as you seem to defend there actions on most peoples posts!!!
  • Amandawilliams62
    Amandawilliams62 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank god someone seems to understand what I'm saying. I know the rules. Maybe some people need to have a look how many people's assessments are based on bu!! S!!!. I was gonna remove myself from this website until I read last view. It's us against them ,don't you know
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,726 Disability Gamechanger
    edited October 2017
    @mm234mail for your info no i do not work for DWP!! I actually claim PIP and ESA myself and haven't worked for 9 years. I have given good advice in a lot of posts thank you very much!!!! Point out 1 post where i've actually defended the DWP???? The advice i give is honest, whether you like it or not!!!!!!!!!!!
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,726 Disability Gamechanger
    Thank god someone seems to understand what I'm saying. I know the rules. Maybe some people need to have a look how many people's assessments are based on bu!! S!!!. I was gonna remove myself from this website until I read last view. It's us against them ,don't you know
    I never said not to record an assessment. I said permission is needed before recording one. There's people out there who would have no idea to ask permission first, if they're caught without this they risk having their benefit stopped.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • mm234mail
    mm234mail Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    let’s hope you don’t fall a victim poppy too the DWP lies and deceit on medical assessments it will happen one day, the stress that these people are believed, nothing you say will help on your medicinal as they out to kick you off ESA FACT!!, as rightly Amanda says, they out to ruin people’s lives and genuinely disabled people are getting a raw deal. (it all Bull and yes Amanda we all need to stick together, our human rights are being abused by the DWP under handed tactics and ruthless ways)
  • Amandawilliams62
    Amandawilliams62 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Yes I agree. While I'm appealing my esa I had to apply for jsa. Honestly the first thing the advisor said at the job centre was"They are taking everyone off esa". I am learning about all the pros and cons. Fear very soon turns to anger with these people would sit in a office knocking as many people as possible down.
  • Ger
    Ger Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited October 2017
    Error wrong discussion
  • Nasmamu
    Nasmamu Community member Posts: 45 Connected
    I think people need to calm down. The advice from @poppy123456 is factual and correct. I fail to see what the problem is. If you dont want the truth thats fine but to take issue with somebody who is trying to help people and who has been through the process is ridiculous. 
  • mm234mail
    mm234mail Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    lol FACT we been through it too. Miss Know it all, instead her cruising posts and being a pain she likes the sound of her own voice, bloody keyboard warriors, unless your constructive which most her replies are not, she hasn’t any better to do. This is last time i’m going to comment on this post, so not wasting my time on idiotic individuals !!!
  • Nasmamu
    Nasmamu Community member Posts: 45 Connected
    Cruising posts? What are cruising posts? I see what you mean about idiotic individuals....
  • mm234mail
    mm234mail Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    yes you one them !! 
  • Nasmamu
    Nasmamu Community member Posts: 45 Connected
    People on here crying because they didnt get pip because the assessors lied boo hoo. But dont want sound advice. Lol. Funny
  • Nasmamu
    Nasmamu Community member Posts: 45 Connected
    @mm234mail you said you werent going to comment further and then you did...its not only DWP who lie is it pal?
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,665 Disability Gamechanger
    edited October 2017
    Hello everyone,

    We want the community to be a safe and supportive place. Please make sure your messages respect other users’ views and suggestions, even if you don’t agree with them.

    Take care to present your views tactfully and remember that humour may be misinterpreted. A post may be removed if we think it might be, impersonating someone against the law harassing, inaccurate, defamatory, abusive, offensive, pornographic, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate advertising infringing copyright.

     Read more of our guidelines here.
    Senior online community officer
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    I think it is time this thread is closed
    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
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