Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

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Need electronic wheelchair

seatown_villas1961 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi everybody.

I' new here wondering if you could give me some guidance.

Ì lost my feet and I've a stoma bag I also list some fingers and I've had 2 open heart surgery..
An operation went wrong and all this happened to me..

Ì don't
 Have a social worker to help me and I feel so alone I need to know where to go to try obtain a electric wheel chair soon can try go out I'm stuck in the flat 24/7 and it'
 Getting me down big time can anybody advice me on electric power wheelchair I would be so greatful.
Thanks in advance 



  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,790 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @seatown_villas1961, I hope we can help you. Usually the first step is to be referred to NHS wheelchair services via your GP. This information is from the NHS page:
    NHS wheelchair services offer assessments to determine what type of wheelchair or mobility equipment you may be entitled to on the NHS.

    In most cases, you'll be referred to the service by a hospital, doctor, consultant or occupational therapists. See the directory of wheelchair services for a full list of services.

    In general, wheelchair services are available to people of all ages who have a long-term need for mobility help. However, the specific criteria for whether you're eligible are decided locally and will vary depending on where you live.

    Before you can be offered a wheelchair, you'll have to undergo an assessment. This will determine if you're eligible and, if so, what type of mobility equipment is most appropriate. The assessment is normally carried out at NHS wheelchair services centres or clinics.

    The people who assess you will all be health professionals, such as GPs, occupational therapists, or physiotherapists, and should include a "rehabilitation engineer" (someone who specialises in wheelchairs and seating). There is no one-size-fits-all policy, which means you will be assessed according to your individual needs. The assessment should take into account your physical and social needs, as well as the environment in which you live and work.

    Many wheelchair services have a waiting list for assessment appointments, so you may have to wait several weeks after being referred to have an assessment.

    Take a friend, carer or your own therapist with you when you have your assessment. They can help you make the right choice. Also bear in mind that if the service comes to visit you at home or work, you won't be able to see and try the full range of chairs available.

  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Community member Posts: 513 Pioneering


    Hi @seatown_villas1961


    Sorry to hear what a challenging time you have been having.


    I agree with @PippaScope that it would to wise to have an assessment at your local NHS wheelchair clinic. However, their criteria is normally that unless you need a powerchair to move around BOTH indoors and outdoors they will not supply one.


    So, if the wheelchair clinic isn’t able to assist you might be interested in the other options for obtaining a powerchair, Scope has these listed at:


    If it is the case that you have recently acquired your disability you may also be interested in the Scope ‘Becoming Disabled’ information:


    Also, you mentioned that you have ‘lost your feet’, the Limbless Association is often able to offer information and support to people who have had amputations:


    Hope you manage to get the wheelchair you need soon,


    Best Wishes





    Jean Merrilees BSc MRCOT

    You can read more of my posts at:

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