Feeling good

janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
Good morning fellow scope users today is a good day for me and have hardly any pain in my lower body and yes I know it could come back screaming and kicking later today but for now I'm a happy bunny and going to celebrate by giving my poor crippled hands and wrists a work out doing a new hobby. Yes thespiceman I took your advice and going to try a bit of tapestry, just a beginner's kit but who knows where it might take me. Have good day people x


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    What a great post to see this morning!! And how fab that you are trying a new hobby! I started crochet last year and though Im not very good at it, I really do enjoy it!!
    I hope you have a great day @janejr

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @janejr How are you ? Great to speak to you.  Hope you are doing well.

    Always here to listen, chat, debate.

    Anything, how's tapestry going.

    Got me thinking back to a puzzle again in the evening.  Word searches Arrowwords.  Cool vibes on the CD into the evening.

    Got fed up of nothing on TV.  All those Winter Olympics exercise getting me fit by watching.

    I have been watching Jamie's 15 minute Meals seen them before.  Gives me ideas to challenge myself.  Adapting changes to yourself is a good way to keep things fresh and exciting.

    Go on you can do it as I yawn again.

    What is the point of a license fee.  Have more fun coming on here speaking to all you lovely people.

    Have a great evening

    Take care
  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Hello thespiceman I'm good thank you hope your we'll. I think I'm going to have to go to the opticians as loving the tapestry but struggling seeing it lol I'm overdue an eye test and like everything else as I got older they are wearing out. Love reading your posts your very inspiring. We all have a past and it's good to read how others have overcome hardships. I too made bad choices and had to face the hardships that came with them. With age comes wisdom is a true saying.
    Read your conversation with Ami , she has got me thinking of getting myself a camera. When I was young my dad asked me what I wanted to do when I left school and I said photography, he told me that wasn't a proper job and I should think of something else. He wanted me to be more academic like my sister. But I was more interested in art, cookery photography, music. He couldn't understand the artistic side of me. I've been to busy earning a living raising a family to indulge in any hobbies so now I'm disabled and forced to slow down I think a few hobbies are on my agenda. 
    Been **** of a rough week, pain mostly but had interrupted sleep all week waking in a panic and having weird nightmares so feeling very tired.
    Can't agree more about the TV being rubbish and didn't want to buy a TV licence as think the BBC should stand for bull**** broadcasting corporation as that ain't the news it's what they want you to think is the news. I watch sky news but their as bad, and if I see that idiot Trump much more I'll scream. He is a really bad human being and out to cause us all trouble.
    Best stop now as that man makes me angry. Speak again soon bye for now 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @janejr Good evening thank you for post.  Hope the day went well.  Please can I suggest if going to opticians.  Have a look at costs and what your entitled to. 

    Nothing is free even with a voucher.  Double check.  Had eye test and still paid more than £60 for glasses.  Lens and frames.  Be aware.

    I am with you all families did not want there children doing those sorts of employment.  Mine was office work got loads of qualifications in Admin all too old.  All I wished to do was become Del Boy on the TV.

    Become Antique and Dealer of Collectabiles.  My family ranted and raved fail first year.  Made more money than my father in the first year.  Gave me no support all the time.  Became feed bucket to all of them.

    Never ever happy for me.  That was the down ward spiral .  Another story.

    Looking forward to see the result of your endeavours whether it is what ever you choose to do.

    I am sure lots of support for hobbies here.

    Sorry you are in pain.  I suppose you take meds.  I take over the counter ones.  Help me. Just thought do some good.

    What is happening to this country about TV is becoming too like America.  The USA has a lot to answer for.

    Especially news more like Entertainment which it is not.  Why we need to have long lengths on subjects no one wishes to or want to see or discuss.

    In your face a lot of the issues around our community lacking discussion.  Missed reports about assessors.

    Constant fascination with Trump annoys and irritates me constantly.  Rather come on here.

    Websites the internet to get news.

    Problem is not only Trump.  Problem is the whole world of these leaders and politicians.

    Need I say more.

     I  hope you take care.