Failing to cope alone

Marioneth Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
Failing miserably at coping alone.  Social Services are abysmally innefective.

Because of lack of of support, my healths really failing.  I'm getting correct pensions and state pension, but its no where near enough.  


  • Sandycfedup
    Sandycfedup Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Hi. I am 51 and more or less in same boat.. Put on pip.. Had car taken.. Living on £80 a, week.. Rent £420 a month.. UNBELIEVABLE.. I am surrounded by paperwork.. No idea what to do.. Have severe anxiety. Depression.. Polands SYMDROME and Periformis syndrome.. Disabled from birth . I totally get you.. This country and new laws.. Wrecking folks lives. I tried suicide 2 weeks ago. But spent 2 days in hospital  Home. Back to square one..
    Feel for you pet.. Am from Newcastle so pets like feel for you hun... 
  • Marioneth
    Marioneth Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Many many thanks, this is totally unbelievable. We get driven like this many times, throughNO FAULT OF OUR OWM!   We are JUST .L E F T. ALONE TO COPE, with NO RESOURCES!!!  
    I'm really very sorry you've been just robbed of ANY DIGNITY TOO.  Once I burst into tears on answering door t complete stranger.  She said what's wrong.  I couldn't take my washing off the line, because of weakness.  She had to go to my back yard and bring it in.
    Yet they want us to live independently, give us insufficient to pay for care.

    Its UTTERLY INSANE!  We get no holidays and just sit in a messy house, no wonder were f..... Depressed.    I WAS NOT DEPRESSED, when I became disabled!!! I'm writing this from my bed, where I am nearly 24/7


  • Sandycfedup
    Sandycfedup Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Marioneth said:
    Many many thanks, this is totally unbelievable. We get driven like this many times, throughNO FAULT OF OUR OWM!   We are JUST .L E F T. ALONE TO COPE, with NO RESOURCES!!!  
    I'm really very sorry you've been just robbed of ANY DIGNITY TOO.  Once I burst into tears on answering door t complete stranger.  She said what's wrong.  I couldn't take my washing off the line, because of weakness.  She had to go to my back yard and bring it in.
    Yet they want us to live independently, give us insufficient to pay for care.

    Its UTTERLY INSANE!  We get no holidays and just sit in a messy house, no wonder were f..... Depressed.    I WAS NOT DEPRESSED, when I became disabled!!! I'm writing this from my bed, where I am nearly 24/7


    Marioneth said:
    Many many thanks, this is totally unbelievable. We get driven like this many times, throughNO FAULT OF OUR OWM!   We are JUST .L E F T. ALONE TO COPE, with NO RESOURCES!!!  
    I'm really very sorry you've been just robbed of ANY DIGNITY TOO.  Once I burst into tears on answering door t complete stranger.  She said what's wrong.  I couldn't take my washing off the line, because of weakness.  She had to go to my back yard and bring it in.
    Yet they want us to live independently, give us insufficient to pay for care.

    Its UTTERLY INSANE!  We get no holidays and just sit in a messy house, no wonder were f..... Depressed.    I WAS NOT DEPRESSED, when I became disabled!!! I'm writing this from my bed, where I am nearly 24/7


  • Sandycfedup
    Sandycfedup Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Yep... They.. MPS Etc... Government folk who make.. Change rules.. As if BEEN DISABLED.. All your life.. Ain't enuff...!!
    I've had depression for 21 years after the birth of my last son. Mam died weeks after.. That was the start.. But disabled since birth. Bullied all my life even from.. ADULT NURSING STAFF I worked with... Just recently moved into lush flat.. No stairs but don't know anyone.. No family other than me son at uni.. I feel worthless.. Ugly fat.. A nightmare on society.. Like yourself . My depression wasn't HALF as bad since pip turned my life upside down... My dad took own life 7 years ago.. And iam still grieving.. It's defo worse like for us.. spend more time in bed... Loneliness is Britain's biggest killer... Its horrendous.. Wish I and yourself had folk to help. Speak up for us... But its all at a cost.. I rest my case.... 
  • Marioneth
    Marioneth Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Yes now vulnerable we are target for govt. Ripoffs.  Bullies yes. when queing in buggy, people push in front as if you're NOT THERE.  Its HORRENDOUS.  
    When were weak, we can't FIGHT
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Been saying all this to MP since pip stsrted 
    .MPs are a waste of money. They dont help.disabled people. 
    Iv been disabled since i wzs 8. But i think that when somone botheted to notice.
    I too have thought of taking my life. But i think thats what ablebodex people want. To be rid of us. So lets not give in to them.
    The police have told me you have to expect to be attacked cos your disabled. !!!.
    Maybe this givenment think the same cos they are attacking us cos wr dusabled.
    And family are the same. The halfwitted remarks like. Havnt you you done ........... yet and its always a long list of heavy stuff tbat im too weak to do. 
    They should help but instead they tsll us wr in thejr way.
    Well lets get in thejr way a lot more.
    We need a dusabled persins union