
cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
Don’t forget everyone WestWorld tomorrow HEY HEY!!!!!!!


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @cripps What is West world?
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    It’s only one of the best tv programs on the planet, check it out tomorrow at 9 sky Atlantic . If you don’t know whats its all about see sky Atlantic tonight at 9 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @cripps Thank you for suggestions, unfortunately do not have sky.  Only sky I have is a view from my window.  Quite cool and cloudy today.

    If I recall my memory serves me right West world was a film was it not.  About a wild west attraction where robots got out of control.  Who were made to look humans.

    Yul Bruynner springs to mind I believe.  Can not think who else was in it.  Recall did see that one time .  Was on DVD is it called.  

    Simple films and programmes that all I watch.

    Used to have this sky stuff but negotiating with the guys and gals on the phone for pricing ridiculous.  No one knows the true costs.  Got told can have six months free. Then the bill came hang on six months free you said. So what it is pay or not pay.  Confusing.

    So got Free sat loads of tosh but at least it is free.  Prices and packages too much.

    Understand those who want to pay.  Understand me I do not wish to pay.  To a company making massive profits and can not get the right staff to say simple English without confusing this gentleman.

    Enjoy your programme.  My TV viewing is limited can have more fun here and also only thing I pay is TV licence.  Even that is too much.

    Stimulating, entertaining, educational on this forum.  Who could ask for anything else.

    Take care

  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Very much truth in what you’re saying but without sky I’ll go nuts. Much of what is viewed is totally rubbish but ever now and then something good pops up . When i was negotiating sky l stuck to a price and made sure they did too. Because I’m wheelchair bound and need careers i like watching rubbish on tv because it takes me away from reality and into a world that doesn’t want to see you sink. Out here it’s a fight just to survive.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @cripps. Like @thespiceman , I've never quite got around to affording Sky or, indeed, anything beyond Freeview, but I entirely understand the desire to use TV as an escape.
    I remember the film 'Westworld' also - the concept being a sort of playground for folks who wanted to pretend to be 'cowboys, sheriffs and gunfighters' and who could have simulated gun fights with robot characters. I think there were other areas, too, including one in which the holidaymakers could pretend to be armoured knights and other stuff. Brynner was excellent, as usual.
    Wondering if the TV 'Westworld' is anything like the movie in theme?
    Very best to you both,
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Hi yes the TV series is just about the same as the film but even better, my tv unfortunately is my escape because the real world i live in is not so good. Unfortunately everything i try to do to better my life gets harder and harder each time. Many times i just want to give up, I’ve tried reading and I’ve tried going out but even they are hard work so roll on tv and let it keep me sane for many months to come. Off to face my consultants tomorrow to see if they will sign me off , hopefully that will be that but if they do I’m left to fend for myself, to be honest I’m a little scared
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @cripps. Thank you for replying. Please let us know what happens tomorrow. Whatever else occurs, we will be here for you if there is anything we can do.
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Thank you for your support, I really do need to practice be honest to myself and others , is that wise? 
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi cripps. Do I understand correctly, that you're asking if it is wise to practise being honest to yourself and to others? If that means telling people straight up what problems you face, not pretending to be 'fine' when you're not :) and asking for help when you need it, then I would say yes, that's wise.
    I am all in favour of honesty, provided it is kind - to others, and to one's self.
    Warmest best wishes to you,
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Yes that’s exactly what i mean . 
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Sorry my reply was a little short but my cat decided to eat his way through my tea, looks like he enjoyed it more than i would have done. Well I’m sure i have an apple lying around!! 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @cripps Understand your thoughts and emotions.  I am completely the opposite. My good friend.  Understand if that is what you wish to do.

    Understand all that.  I use TV only for educational purposes.  Rarely on.  On for anything I can learn from.  Off all day.  Sunday usually. Except for an hour to watch Network Food Diners, Drive in's and Dives.  I watch these because for cooking techniques ideas'

    Also any thing to improve my memory and knowledge. Learning is important to me. Antiques Roadshow learning again.  Also anything Arts, Science, so on.

    My concern is that if we get wrapped up in fantasy and not be with reality our minds can not cope.

    You say you can not cope with what exactly may I ask.  I know I struggle with my disability.  I do not wish to be interfering.  What do you find hard to struggle with.

    My attention span is limited. Understand all that.  Like reading but at my pace.

    What about Radio . All of it is not Music but lots more to offer.  Lot of it on DAB great programmes.  Plenty to choose from.  Got Classic FM on now. Look at Radio Four informative, stimulating programmes.  Ironically some on disability.  Radio 2.  Has great line ups Saturday and Sunday.

    Find something to look at.  Make some goals for yourself.  What would you like to do with your life.  I read you are in a wheel chair.  I know that is not easy. I am not here to patronise you. 

    Concerned member of our community.

    You remind me of a past  friend who in similar circumstances. Always watching TV.  Much of it violent and disturbing.  Unfortunately the time came to adapt with the real world he could not cope.

    He could cope interacting with people, especially ladies, women.  Had fantasies about women from his TV watching that were am afraid totally out of character.

    They felt unsafe and said so.  Also I felt my friend had not ever really interacted with any real people.  He got ideas about people from his TV watching.  Became so isolated I had to stop seeing him.  It was well this programmes on.  I need to watch or going out with me as a friend he made that choice not me.

    Understand I have tried to help him.  As a friend would. I had to walk away am afraid . Moved on and wonder what why more to life than TV.

    Just my opinion , view my friend.

    Take care we all of us are here to listen and support.

  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi again :)
    Truth is that there will be few people on here who are as aware of their own inadequacies for the role as I am. Words - most of the time - are just too easy, and too often the words I am limited to seem so very, very far from being of value.
    I burn, often, with anger at the stupidities and inadequacies of the system and the cruelty of so many thoughtless individuals.
    I can only do my best, for whatever it may be worth, here at Scope and elsewhere. If that best is of any use to you of any kind, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Very warmest best wishes to you,
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  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Thanks everyone ,i do watch educational programs in fact my favourite program is university  challenge so I’m not rapped up in total **** yet also i do get out every now and then but my career won’t take me out because of health and safety. Things will change I’m sure.
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello my friend  @cripps Understand why health and safety risk. Please that is the oldest one in the book.  If I may be so bold to say.  Wish I could shout and scream at people who are supposed to care for you.  I do no think they would recognise what they are doing for you and to you mentally.

    So sorry that is the first step that needs to be changed my friend.

    As a concern caring member of our community. I have come across that before.  Understand me.  You want a life you need people you need to go out be a individual enjoying life not stuck indoors.  Understand everything you have told me.

    This makes me angry am disabled like you as every body has being saying .  You are in control and you need to say something.

    My wonderful friends @JennysDad and @Victoriad have expressed their views and opinions .  I am in agreement with them.

    Please take care am here anytime for a friend.
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Thanks for being there i wish my career was as understanding, I’ve tried changing things with them but the last time i asked for things to be different they threatened to withdraw my care all together! So it’s take it or leave it , so please don’t be too hard if i say my Tv
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