doctor says i need a wheelchair but nhs say i have to buy my own

cavailia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
I have hEds , fibro among other issues and in pain every step i Take My gp recently suggested he appliy for a wheelchair for me as my mobility leaves me housebound most of the time and unable to do anything but a 5min trip when i have a rare good day. The nhs turned me down as i will not be able to use it indoors. The thing is i live downstairs in a 3 bed house. I have 3 autistic people in my home so a move and changes are an absolute nightmare. I feel so low and forgotten because i cannot manage to go out far do much with family> I havent had any friends for 10 years now apart from online. I dont know how i will fund myself but i am going to try


  • Angiebabes2410
    Angiebabes2410 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor
    Can you ask for an occupational therapist assessment and maybe have your home adapted so you can use a wheelchair in your home as well as outside because I know when I applied and got my wheelchair they said if I didn't need it at home also then I would have to pay for one myself, do you have a charity locally you can apply to ? 
  • cavailia
    cavailia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    edited November 2018
    The problem is to see to myself I would have to really upset the three autistic people in my family who cannot stand change to get work done would be a long nightmare and moving house i can even consider my son is sitting exams so i basically would need to wait another 8 -9 months so i do not ruin his chances at school as i know how it will upset him.
    I will just have to try and buy one myself i guess.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,436 Championing
    edited November 2018
    A wheelchair may not be the answer here, especially if you won't be able to self propel. You will need to rely on other people to go out with you so that they can push you and this really isn't an ideal situation.

    As the NHS won't fund a wheelchair for you, have you thought about a small mobility scooter? You can very often find 2nd hand ones on gumtree and facebook. Just search to see what's in your area. A mobility scooter would give you even more freedom to go outside and not have to rely on others and they don't always cost a fortune. People do sometimes sell them cheap.
  • Angiebabes2410
    Angiebabes2410 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor
    I have a mobility scooter for outdoors and it gave me a whole new sense of freedom than having to try pushing myself in my wheelchair, so that's a great idea, I wish you all the best 
  • cavailia
    cavailia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    I was looking at an electric wheelchair didnt think about a scooter will have to look around and see what is best

  • rayrey
    rayrey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Investigate the appeal procedure .Nhs ENGLAND personal wheelchair budgets policy
    ,I think they can only consider your medical needs not your home environment
    Yours rayrey
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I’m speaking from experience here. We started talking about a wheelchair when DS was six months old. When he was a year old his first wheelchair came. It was definitely worth the money and wait. It’s worth looking at all of the options. DS uses a manual wheelchair to get around the community and for long distances as well. I used some of his benefit money to cover the costs of the wheelchair. Get advice. We tried out wheelchairs before buying one.