Small Item Gripping Aid etc

Gareth_H Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected

Hey, so I assume most people will be aware of the various gym and sport related gripping aids made by Active Hands (if not then check out their website at, but I wanted to mention that they've just launched a new gripping aid designed for small items such as pens/razors/toothbrushes/paint brushes/various make-up items etc. It's really easy to put on and then swap between items you want to hold. I was lucky enough to test one out when they were trialling them and have just purchased one which is working out even better than I had hoped. I have a high level spinal injury and rely on items such as this to help me with everyday tasks.

You can check it out here:

I should also mention that they've started stocking various other aids and accessories to help people with limited finger function or grip. Things such as the Saebo Stretch, the Reacher/Grabber, the Receive-All etc. There are aids to help with sports, gardening, DIY, kitchen activities, dressing, day to day living etc, I use a number of them on a daily basis to help me be independent and think they're well worth checking out on the Active Hands website.

Hope this can be of use to people!
