Help finding the right chair

Badgergirl Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hey all hopefully this the right discussion page I am looking to find a more ergonomic wheel chair 
my current is a 

Bariatric Sentra EC Heavy-Duty Wheelchair

This chair when I try to push it feels like it was designed to be pushed by an assistant rather than the person in the chair.

The tires only really function correctly on super smooth surface such as tile, linoleum, etc...

So I am looking for a chair that will be easier for me to propel. 

I am 





I do have decent upper body strength I can propel myself on tile in this chair for about 100yards at a time so every 12 minutes or sometimes faster. But again slick surface only.

So to restate the question I am looking for a foldable manual/hybrid chair that would be more ergonomic for me as the axel placement on my current chair is atrocious.
