Why self harmin like addiction

sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
I self harmin again I spoken to social worker before I did. I got aright to be admitted to hospital the unit. No one cares am thinking of a way that put me in it. That lady started thumping me in living room now. 4 nites no sleep and it going to continue like this am literally over the edge i kant take anymor


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    Isn't the social worker helping at all? I really think you need some help with the noise as well, can she not help with that by speaking to the council on your behalf?
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,732 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited May 2019
    Hi @sam12, have they said there's any plan to admit you to the unit? I understand you're feeling very vulnerable right now, but have you been in contact again with your crisis team?

    I know you think nobody cares, but we certainly do. As a member of our community you're very important to us, so if you start to feel like you're a danger to yourself, please get in contact with them again, call 999 or go straight to your local hospital.

    Your neighbour certainly sounds like a nuisance. Do you think you'll be seeing anybody over the Bank Holiday weekend?
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    I want admitted to hospital they refuse me. I have a right to go in unit seriously am not in my own mind. Kant deal with all this anymore. No sleep four nites. Crying a lot. Miss bf he still not call me yet no more private calls but police could be still monitoring his mobile happen before then I got private calls again. I no idea what happening. I hope he safe and well this makes me very worried. Am scared of am here all wkend I mite end up takin meds
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    edited May 2019
    Ah no :( I wish I could do something to help you.

    When did you last hear from your bf?

    Can you get in touch with the Samaritans or someone like that? They do have email if you can't speak on the phone or do what Adrian has said. I don't understand why you aren't getting more help than you are.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,732 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @sam12, we've emailed you again with an offer of additional support, which you seem like you could do with. If you're interested in taking us up on it, please just let us know and we'll begin the process right away.

    How long has it been since your boyfriend fell out of contact with you? I'm still a bit concerned about you ignoring private calls.

    If you start to feel like you want to self-harm over the weekend, please take a look at MIND's tips about avoiding self-harming or suicidal thoughts and give Samaritans a call on 116 123 (email them at jo@samaritans.org) or your crisis team if you'd prefer to speak to someone you know a bit better. You're always welcome to post here, but it's also really important that you speak to someone who's qualified to help you through this.
    If at any point you think you might be a danger to yourself, please call 999 or go to your local hospital.

    Is there anywhere else you might be able to go this weekend, perhaps with a relative or a friend? It might be nice, if only just to get you out of what seems like quite a negative environment right now. 

    Do you have any hobbies you might be able to do outside as the weather gets better, or is there anything you'd like to try this weekend for the first time?

    We're always here to support you, so if you need to talk over the weekend, or at any time, please just come by the community for a chat.

    Thinking of you,

  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
     I rang up action fraud goin take time as lot of people cases. That means my bf goin be takin time to I think his investigation all ready started I kant go on like this I want to talk to him I need away from this crazy lady she at it again spying on what am. Doing she woken up all day n nite she sleep lazy old witch 
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Sorry to hear this @sam12 have you considered any of the advice that @Adrian_Scope has suggested?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @sam12 Pleased to meet you . Sorry to hear you having problems.

    I know from reading you are vulnerable and need some guidance with your mental health.

    I know SCOPE have contacted you. With offers of support and some advice.

    Right now what is important I think is to find that help. Get that help and support you need.  Please can I suggest speak to SCOPE. Take up the offer of help and support can be a start to ease the situation you are in.

    Social workers I know have some issues with at the moment but what is important is finding what you need.

    Often by accessing support, guidance, advice on your mental health can be beneficial.

    I know I have mental health issues myself. Would want to talk to some one about how I am these emotions and feelings.

    By talking to some one can not only give you reassurance but it is some one to listen to.

    Whether the crisis team you have or speaking to Samaritans or seeking help else where.

    By listening we can as community be supportive ready to help and guide , advise you.

    There are always answers and solutions.

    Please if I can ask get in touch .


    Please keep safe.

    Take care.
