Lower back probs

ccarolyn000 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi I’ve joined this community as I’m in need of your advice. For the 3rd time now in under 12 months, I’ve acquired a lower back injury. I’m an active 47 year old but don’t do anything to over challenge my body. I do the regular exercise classes. 

My injured back has left me with spasms around my hips which radiate down front of my abdomen. I can’t turn over or get out of bed without help. It also seems to hurt when I go for a pee and never had this happen with other bad back episodes. Phoned my Gp, she doesn’t seem to think it’s anything to worry about and that I’ve just got a pulled muscle. She eventually offered me an appointment today after I told her that I don’t feel it’s normal to have 3 episodes of back injury in under a year.

Incidentally I have had hip arthroscopy over 7 years ago on my right hip. 


  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    edited May 2019
    Welcome to the community @ccarolyn000 how are you doing today? I am sorry to hear you have been experiencing this. I'm glad you have contacted your GP and hopefully you can get an answer or a remedy to ease the pain.

  • ccarolyn000
    ccarolyn000 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Antonia. Thank you Im alright But already needs the help of my son to get up out of a chair as my back was going into spasms again. Really hope GP will view my concerns as I am 
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @ccarolyn000 thank you for your reply. Oh no, sorry to hear this. Happy to hear you have the support of your son. Me too, please keep us updated. Best wishes :)
  • KEE
    KEE Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering
    Hi @ccarolyn000, I too suffer for the last 10 years with back pain and spasms amongst other illnesses. I changed my GP early last year. Thank goodness I did, the first thing they offered me was an MRI scan to check what was going on in my back considering I had been suffering long term with it.
    The result was I had x2 bulging discs and a tear also degenerative discs.

     So I think you should ask your GP for an MRI scan of your lower back.
  • ccarolyn000
    ccarolyn000 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Kee
    My goodness, that’s such a good reason to get another opinion from another Doctor. Have you had surgery since they found the problems.  I’ve bern for an Osteopath appointment today. He was brilliant and found 3 issues, he carried out various manipulation techniques to get my right side alligned. I feel so much relief already. From what he told me today - he asked me if I had any pins or needles sensations with my issue - which I don’t. So he doesn’t think I have any disc problems. Mine relates to the sacrum and ileum at bottom of my spine. 

    Thats so great for you that you finally have answers to what is causing your problems then
  • KEE
    KEE Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering
    Hi @ccarolyn000, that is great news for you happy you feel some relief. 
    No surgery after official diagnosis in Jan 19, loads of various painkillers but I have my first appointment at the pain management clinic tomorrow after being referred months ago and so I am very apprehensive as know nothing about what they do. 
    I really hope it’s not a room full of people having physio or something as I not good with crowds and not sure I would step into the room.